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Article in Journal or Book Ruth Amiran, "Khirbet Kerak ware at Ai," Israel Exploration Journal 17.3 (1967): 185-186.
Article in Journal or Book Ruth Amiran, "The Egyptian alabaster vessels from Ai," Israel Exploration Journal 20.3-4 (1970): 170-179.
Article in Journal or Book Ruth Amiran, "Reflections on the identification of the deity at the EB II and EB III Temples at Ai," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 208 (Dec. 1972): 9-13.
Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, "The Palestine Exploration Fund: notes and news (Ja 1938)," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 70 (Jan. 1938): 7-10.
Article in Journal or Book Rami Arav, "Et-Tell and el-Araj," Israel Exploration Journal 38.3 (1988): 187-188.
Article in Journal or Book Rami Arav, "Et-Tell, 1988," Israel Exploration Journal 39.1-2 (1989): 99-100.
Article in Journal or Book Amnon Ben-Tor & Ehud Netzer, "The principal architectural remains of the Early Bronze Age at Ai," I Dunayevsky memorial volume. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1973. pp.1-7.
Article in Journal or Book Roy B. Blizzard, "Intensive, systematic surface collection at Livingston's proposed site for biblical Ai," Westminster Theological Journal 36 (Winter 1974): 221-230.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "The 1964 Ai (et-Tell) excavations," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 178 (April 1965): 13-40.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "New evidence on the conquest of 'Ai," Journal of Biblical Literature 87.3 (Sept. 1968): 312-320.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "The 1966 Ai (Et-Tell) excavations," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 196 (Dec. 1969): 2-16.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "The 1968 'Ai (et-Tell) excavations," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 102 (Jan.-June 1970): 42-44.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "The 1968-1969 Ai (Et-Tell) excavations," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 198 (April 1970): 7-31.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Calloway, "Et-Tell (A´)," Revue biblique 77 (July 1970): 390-394.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "The significance of the Iron age village at 'Ai(Et-Tel)," Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Vol. 1. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1969; World Union of Jewish Studies, 1973. pp. 56-61.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "Second ivory bull's head from Ai," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 213 (Feb. 1974): 57-61.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Callaway, "Excavating Ai (Et-Tell): 1964-1972," Biblical Archaeologist 39 (March 1976): 18-30.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, New perspectives on early Bronze III in Canaan," Archaeology in the Levant. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1978. pp.46-58.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "A visit with Ahilud: a revealing look at village life when Israel first settled the Promised Land," Biblical Archaeology Review 9.5 (Sept.-Oct. 1983): 42-53.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "Village subsistence: Iron Age Ai and Raddana," Henry O. Thompson, ed., Answers Lie Below. Essays in Honour of Lawrence Edmund Toombs. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984. Hbk. ISBN-13: 978-0819137456. pp.51-66.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "Was my excavation of Ai worthwhile," Biblical Archaeology Review 11.2 (March-April 1985): 68-69.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway, "Ai (et-Tell): problem site for biblical archaeologists." Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1987. pp.87-99.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway & Kermit Schoonover, "The Early Bronze Age citadel at Ai (Et-Tell)," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 207 (Oct. 1972): 41-53.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Callaway & Norman E. Wagner, "Re-examination of the lower city at Ai (Et-Tell) in 1971, 1972," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 106 (July-Dec. 1974): 147-155.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce T. Dahlberg, "Archaeological news from Jordan: Ai (et-Tell)," Biblical Archaeologist 28 (Feb. 1965): 26-30.
Article in Journal or Book Gershon Galil, "Geba-Ephraim and the Northern Boundary of Judah in the Days of Josiah," Revue biblique 100 (July 1993): 358-367.
Article in Journal or Book Shimon Gibson, "Ras et-Tawil," Israel Exploration Journal 32.2-3 (1982): 154-155.
Article in Journal or Book Shimon Gibson, "Lime kilns in north-east Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 116 (July-Dec. 1984): 94-102.
Article in Journal or Book Jehoshua M. Grintz, "'Ai which is beside Beth-Aven': a re-examination of the identity of Ai," Biblica 42.2 (1961): 201-216.
Article in Journal or Book Ernst Axel Knauf, "Beth Aven," Biblica 65.2 (1984): 251-253.
Article in Journal or Book Future of Early ChristianityHeinz Wolfgang Kuhn & Rami Arav, "The Bethsaida Excavations: Historical and Archaeological Approaches," Birger A. Pearson, ed., Future of Early Christianity: Essays in Honour of Helmut Koester. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991. Hbk. ISBN-13: 978-0800625214. pp.77-106.
Article in Journal or Book David Livingston, "Location of Biblical Bethel and Ai Reconsidered," Westminster Theological Journal 33.1 (1970): 20-44.
Article in Journal or Book David P. Livingston, "Further Considerations on the Location of Bethel at el-Bireh," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (July-Dec. 1994): 154-159.
On-line Resource John M. Monson, "Enter Joshua. The "Mother of Current Debates in Biblical Archaeology," James K. Hoffmeier & Dennis R. Magary, eds., Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to ScriptureJohn M. Monson, "Enter Joshua. The "Mother of Current Debates in Biblical Archaeology," James K. Hoffmeier & Dennis R. Magary, eds., Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2012. Pbk. ISBN: 978-4335-2571-1. pp.427-457. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,]
Article in Journal or Book Anson F. Rainey, "[The location of Bethel and Ai]," Biblical Archaeology Review 14.5 (1988): 67-68.
Article in Journal or Book Kermit Schoonover, "Et-Tell (Ai)," Revue biblique 75 (April 1968): 243-247.
Article in Journal or Book Kermit Schoonover, "Et-Tell (Ai)," Revue biblique 76 (July 1969): 423-426.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence E. Stager, "The archaeology of the family in ancient Israel," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 260 (Fall 1985): 1-35.
Article in Journal or Book Norman E. Wagner, "Early bronze age houses at `Ai (et-Tell)," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 104 (Jan.-June 1972): 5-25.
Article in Journal or Book Bryant G. Wood, "The Search for Joshua’s Ai," Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil & Paul J. Ray Jr., Critical Issues in Early Israelite History. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008. Hbk. ISBN: 978-1575068046. pp.205-240.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright, "The significance of Ai in the third millennium BC," Archäologie und Altes Testament. Festschrift für Kurt Galling zum 8. Januar 1970. Tübingen: JCB Mohr, 1970. pp.299-319.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright, "The significance of Ai in the third millenium, BC," Biblical studies in Contemporary thought. Burlington, VT: Trinity College Biblical Institute, 1975. pp.170-188.
Article in Journal or Book Shmuel Yeivin, "Temples that were not," I Dunayevsky memorial volume. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1973.
Article in Journal or Book Ziony Zevit, "Archaeological and literary stratigraphy in Joshua 7-8," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 251 (Summer 1983): 23-35.
Article in Journal or Book Ziony Zevit, "The problem of Ai: new theory rejects battle as described in Bible but explains how story evolved," Biblical Archaeology Review 11.2 (March-April 1985): 58-69.
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