Introductions to Archaeology

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Book or monograph A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah, 1970-1995F. Garcia Martinez & Donald W. Parry, A Classified Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah, 1970-1995. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah. Leiden: Brill, 1996. Hbk. ISBN: 9004105883. pp.140.

General Treatments

Book or monograph Readings From The Ancient Near EastBill T. Arnold & Bryan E. Beyer, Readings From The Ancient Near East. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 0801022924. pp.240.
On-line Resource Charles James Ball [1851-1924], Light from the EastCharles James Ball [1851-1924], Light from the East, or the Witness of the Monuments. An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1899. Hbk. pp.256. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Dictionary of the Ancient Near EastPiotr Bienkowski & Alan R. Millard, editors, Dictionary of the Ancient Near East. London: British Museum Press, 2000. ISBN: 0714111414. pp.352.
Book or monograph W. Beyerlin, ed. Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Old Testament Library. Westminster, 1978. pp.228.
Book or monograph E.M. Blaiklock & R.K. Harrison, eds. The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983. ISBN: 0310212502.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Blenkinsopp, "The Bible, Archaeology and Politics; or The Empty Land Revisited," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 27.2 (2002): 169-187. [Abstract]
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, New Horizons in Biblical Studies. Inaugural Lecture, 27. Sheffield: The University of Sheffield, 1957. Pbk. pp.18. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of F.F. Bruce Copyright International, Inc., Bath, England, and Nashville, Tennessee]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Biblical Archaeology," W. Neil, ed., The Bible Companion. London: Skeffington & Son Ltd., 1959. 29-49.
Book or monograph Mark Chavalas, The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. Blackwell Sourcebooks in Ancient History Series. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2006. Hbk. ISBN: 0631235809. pp.472.
Book or monograph Chaim Cohen, Avi Hurvitz & Shalom M. Paul, eds., Sefer Moshe: Studies in the Bible and Ancient Near East. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 1575060744. pp.514.
Book or monograph Scripture and Other ArtifactsMichael J. Coogan, J. Cheryl Exum & Lawrence E. Stager, editors. Scripture and Other Artifacts: Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in Honor of Philip J. King. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994. Hbk. ISBN: 0664220363. pp.452.
Book or monograph The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-First Century: The William Foxwell Albright Centennial ConferenceJerrold S. Cooper & Glenn M. Schwartz, eds., The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-First Century: The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996. Hbk. ISBN: 093146496X. pp.422.
Book or monograph Currid: Doing ArchaeologyJohn D. Currid, Doing Archaeology in the Land of the Bible: A Basic Guide. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1999. Pbk. ISBN: 0801022134. pp.128.
Book or monograph J. Andrew Dearman & M. Patrick Graham, editors. The Land That I Will Show You: Essays in History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honor of J. Maxwell Miller (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament). Hardcover (February 2002) Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. Hbk. ISBN: 1841272574. pp.370.
Article in Journal or Book William G. Dever, "Biblical and Syro-Palestinian Archaeology: A State-of-the-Art Assessment at the Turn of the Millennium," Currents in Research: Biblical Studies 8 (2000): 91-116.
Book or monograph Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age Through Roman PalaestinaWilliam G. Dever & Seymour Gitin, eds., Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age Through Roman Palaestina: Proceedings of the Centennial Symposium. W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological resear Centennial Symposium. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003. Hbk ISBN: 1575060817. pp.596.
Article in Journal or Book Charles Lee Feinberg, "The Value of Archaeological Studies for Biblical Research," John S. Feinberg & Paul D. Feinberg, eds., Tradition and Testament. Essays in Honor of Charles Lee Feinberg. Chicago: Moody Press, 1981. Hbk. ISBN-13: 978-0802425447. pp.265-291.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph P. Free, "Archeology and Biblical Criticism, Part I: Is Rationalistic Biblical Criticism Dead?" Bibliotheca Sacra 113: 450 (1956): 123-129.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph P. Free, "Archeology and Biblical Criticism, Part II: Archeology and the Historical Accuracy of Scripture," Bibliotheca Sacra 113: 451 (1956): 214-226.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph P. Free, "Archeology and Biblical Criticism, Part III: Archeology and Liberalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 113: 452 (1956): 322-338.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph P. Free, "Archeology and Biblical Criticism, Part IV: Archeology and Higher Criticism," Bibliotheca Sacra 114: 453 (1957): 23-39.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph P. Free, "Archeology and Biblical Criticism, Part V: Archeology and Neo-Orthodoxy," Bibliotheca Sacra 114: 454 (1957): 123-132.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph P. Free, "Archeology and Biblical Criticism, Part VI: Archeology and Neo-Orthodoxy," Bibliotheca Sacra 114: 455 (1957): 213-224.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Anthony J. Frendo, Approaching Biblical ArchaeologyAnthony J. Frendo, Approaching Biblical Archaeology. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021. ISBN: 9780567701558. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Book or monograph Le-David Maskil: A Birthday Tribute for David Noel FreedmanRichard Elliott Friedman & William Henry Propp, Le-David Maskil: A Birthday Tribute for David Noel Freedman. Biblical and Judaic Studies, v. 9. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 1575060841. pp.108.
Book or monograph The Bible and the Ancient Near East Cyrus H. Gordon & Gary A. Rendsburg, The Bible and the Ancient Near East. W. W. Norton & Company, 1998. Pbk. ISBN: 0393316890. pp.345.
Book or monograph W.W. Hallo & W.K. Simpson. The Ancient Near East: A History, 2nd edn. Harcourt Publishers Ltd College Publishers, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: 0155038192. pp.384. {} A useful and well-written summary.
On-line Resource Colin J. Hemer, "Alexandria Troas," Tyndale Bulletin 26 (1975): 79-112. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Hermann Volrath Hilprecht [1859-1925], Explorations in Bible Lands During the 19th Century. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1903. Hbk. pp.810. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Peoples of the Old Testament WorldAlfred J. Hoerth, Gerard L. Mattingly & Edwin M. Yamauchi, Peoples of the Old Testament World. The Lutterworth Press, 1996. Hbk. ISBN: 0718829530. pp.400.
Book or monograph Bible ArchaeologyAlfred Hoerth & John McRay, Bible Archaeology: An Exploration of the History and Culture of Early Civilizations. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2006. Hbk. ISBN: 0801012872. pp.288.
Book or monograph The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and AssumptionsJames K. Hoffmeier & A. R. Millard, eds., The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions. Grand Rapids: . Eerdmans, 2004. Pbk. ISBN: 0802821731. pp.403.
On-line Resource Biblical Insights From Archaeology (Ferrell Jenkins)
On-line Resource Frederic George Kenyon [1863-1952], The Bible and ArchaeologyFrederic George Kenyon [1863-1952], The Bible and Archaeology. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1940. Hbk. pp.310. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Kenneth A. Kitchen, Ancient Orient and Old Testament. Chicago / London: IVP / The Tyndale Press, 1966. Hbk. pp.191. Although it has been out of print for many years this book is still cited as a valuable source in many reference works.
On-line Resource Kitchen: The Bible In Its WorldKenneth A. Kitchen, The Bible in its World: The Bible and Archaeology Today. Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1977. Pbk. pp.168.
Book or monograph Kitchen: On the Reliability of the Old TestamentKenneth A. Kitchen, On the Reliability of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003. Hbk. ISBN: 0802849601. pp.662.
Journal Article Kenneth A. Kitchen, "Now You See It, Now You Don't! The Monumental Use and Non-use of Writing in the Ancient Near East," Piotr Bienkowski, Christopher Mee & Elizabeth Slater, eds., Writing and Ancient Near Eastern Society. Library of Hebrew Old Testament Studies 426. London & New York: T & T Clark, 2005. Hbk. ISBN: 0567026914. pp.175-188.
Book or monograph Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World: Studies in Honor of Donald B. RedfordGary N. Knoppers & A. Hirsch, eds., Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World: Studies in Honor of Donald B. Redford. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 9004138447. pp.528.
On-line Resource Pieter J. Lalleman, "The Old Testament and Archaeology, with a personal top ten of discoveries," Evangel 26.3 (Autumn 2008): 83-88.View in PDF format pdf
Journal Article Herbert F. Lamp, "An Old Testament Index To Archaeological Sources," Trinity Journal 3.2 (1982): 170-194.
Journal Article Herbert F. Lamp, "An Old Testament Index To Archaeological Sources: Part II," Trinity Journal 4.1 (1983): 44-71.
Journal Article Timothy Larson, "Joseph P. Free and the Romance of Biblical Archaeology," Westminster Theological Journal 66.1 (Spring 2004): 97-106.
Book or monograph Laughlin: Archaeology and the BibleJohn Laughlin, Archaeology and the Bible. Approaching the Ancient World Series. London: Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., 1999. Pbk. ISBN: 0415159946. pp.224.
Book or monograph The Bible and Radiocarbon DatingThomas E. Levy & Thomas Higham, eds., The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating: Archaeology, Text and Science. London: Equinox Publishing Ltd, 2005. Pbk. ISBN: 1845530578. pp.448.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Thomas Evan Levy, Historical Biblical Archaeology and the Future. The New PragmatismThomas Evan Levy, Historical Biblical Archaeology and the Future. The New Pragmatism. London: Taylor & Francis, 2016. ISBN: 9781134937530. pp.352. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Book or monograph Mazar: Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000-586 BCAmihai Mazar, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000-586 BC, Vol. 2. The Lutterworth Press, 1993. Hbk. ISBN: 0718828909. pp.608.
  • Contents:
    Brent L. Top, "A Retrospective on the Career and Impact of Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Archaeologist and Educator"
  • Owen D. Chesnut, "Asking for a Place: Identifying the Location of Biblical Eshta’ol"
  • Yigal Levin, "'And There Was Peace between Israel and the Amorites' (1 Sam 7:14): A Biblical and Archaeological View on Israelites and Canaanites in the Shephelah in Late Iron Age I"
  • Chris McKinny, "Finding Mash and His Brothers – The Historical Geography of the “Sons” of Aram (Gen 10:23; 1 Chr 1:17)"
  • Shira Albaz & Kristina S. Reed, "Let’s Trade: Carnelian Beads in the Early and Intermediate Bronze Age Southern Levant"
  • Jeremy A. Beller, Haskel J. Greenfield & Dieter Vieweger, "A Better Cut: Diachronic Trends of Butchering Patterns and Technology through the Early and Middle Bronze Ages at Tall Zirā´a, Jordan"
  • Haskel J. Greenfield, "The Zooarchaeology of Cult: The Animal Remains from Moshe Dothan’s Excavations of the Middle Bronze Age Canaanite Temple Complex at Nahariya, Israel"
  • Kerry Muhlestein, "Comparing Holes for Ritual Activities at the Snefru Bent and Seila Pyramids"
  • Aren M. Maeir, "Domus et Urbs: Levantine Middle Bronze Age Jar-Burials as a Family Reaction to Reurbanization"
  • Deborah R. Cassuto, "A Tale of Two Looms – Domestic Weaving at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfī/Gath"
  • Tina Greenfield, Timothy Matney, John MacGinnis, "The Food Was Heavenly: Reflections from the Northern Frontier on Divine and Royal Banquets in the Assyrian Empire"
  • Louise A. Hitchcock, Shira Gur-Arieh, Laura Pisanu, Madaline Harris-Schober, Aren M. Maeir, Pietro Militello, "All in All, It’s Just Another Stone in the Wall: From Safi to Sicily, 12th-Century Monumental Architecture in the Mediterranean"
  • Liora Kolska Horwitz, Dmitry Yegorov, Patricia Smith, Svetlana Talis, Ianir Milevski, "'The Restaurant at the End of … ': A Discussion of Iron Age Funerary Meats from the Southern Levant"
  • Jill C. Katz, "Multiple Aspects of Tribalism in Iron I Israel"
  • William H. Krieger, "'I Should Speedily Escape into the Land of the Philistines' (1 Sam 27:1): Theoretical and Methodical Change in the Archaeology of Philistia"
  • George A. Pierce, "The 'Four-Room-House' Complex at Tell Dothan, Area A: An Analysis of Function, Demography, and Cultural Identity"
  • Seth M. Rodriquez, "'Will the Ax Boast Against the One Who Cuts with It?' The Use of Axes and Pickaxes in Iron Age Warfare"
  • Itzhaq Shai, "A Note on the Importance of the Name Manasseh as King of Judah"
  • Joe Uziel, "Ittai and Obed-Edom: The Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for the Presence of Gittite Refugees in Jerusalem"
  • Matthew J. Grey, "Olive Processing and Ritual Purity in the 'Place of the Oil Press': Reexamining the 1st-Century Features and Functions of Jerusalem’s Gethsemane Grotto"
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Aren M. Maeir & George A. Pierce, To Explore the Land of CanaanAren M. Maeir & George A. Pierce, To Explore the Land of Canaan. Studies in Biblical Archaeology in Honor of Jeffrey R. Chadwick. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. ISBN: 9783110757859. pp.385. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
On-line Resource Alan R. Millard, The Bible BC. What can Archaeology Prove? Leicester: IVP, 1977. Pbk. ISBN. 0851102301. pp.48.
On-line Resource Alan R. Millard, "The Old Testament and History: Some Considerations," Faith & Thought 110.1, 2 (1983): 34-53.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Alan R. Millard, “How Can Archaeology Contribute to the Study of the Bible?” Evangel 9:1 (1991): 9-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Alan R. Millard, “Archaeology and the Reliability of the Bible,” Evangel 9:2 (1991): 22-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph Alan R. Millard, Nelson's Illustrated Wonders & Discoveries of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997. Hbk. ISBN: 0785211993.
Book or monograph Alan R. Millard, James K. Hoffmeier & D.W. Baker. eds. Faith, Tradition & History: Old Testament Historiography in Its Near Eastern Context. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1994. Hbk. ISBN: 093146482X.
Article in Journal or Book Alan Millard, "Only Fragments from the Past: The Role of Accident in our Knowledge of the Ancient Near East," Piotr Bienkowski, Christopher Mee & Elizabeth Slater, eds., Writing and Ancient Near Eastern Society. Library of Hebrew Old Testament Studies 426. London & New York: T & T Clark, 2005. Hbk. ISBN: 0567026914. pp.301.
On-line Resource Patrick W. Miller, "The Bible and the Last Half-Century of Archaeology," The Evangelical Quarterly 24.1.(Jan. 1952): 14-23.View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Book or monograph P. Roger S. Moorey, A Century of Biblical Archaeology. Cambridge: The Lutterworth Press, 1991. ISBN: 0718828259. pp.192.
On-line Resource Steven M. Ortiz, "The Purpose of Biblical Archaeology: Hype, Myths, Models, and Mission," Midwestern Journal of Theology 7.2 (Spring 2009): 78-96.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Steven M. Ortiz, "The Process of Using Archaeology for Biblical Studies," Midwestern Journal of Theology 7.2 (Spring 2009): 97-111.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource W.M. Flinders Petrie [1853–1942], "Materialization of Old Testament History," Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 61 (1929): 260-278. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly J. Randall Price with H. Wayne House, Zondervan Handbook of Biblical ArchaeologyJ. Randall Price with H. Wayne House, Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017. ISBN: 9780310527640. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
  • Contents:

    Part 1 Method
    The City of David as a Palimpsest —Margreet L. Steiner
    Living in the Past? Keeping Up-To-Date in Ancient Near Eastern Studies—Raz Kletter
    What People Want to Believe: Or Fighting against‘Cultural Memory’ —Niels Peter Lemche
    The Need for a Comprehensive Sociology of Knowledge of Biblical and Archaeological Studies of the Southern Levant —Emanuel Pfoh

    Part 2 History, Historiography and Archaeology
    The Abraham and Esau-Jacob Stories in the Context of the Maccabean Period —Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò
  • Tell Balata (Shechem): An Archaeological and Historical Reassessment —Hamdan Taha and Gerrit van der Kooij
  • ‘Solomon’ (Shalmaneser III) and the Emergence of Judahas an Independent Kingdom —Russell Gmirkin
  • On the Pre-Exilic Gap between Israel and Judah Étienne Nodet
  • Perceptions of Israel’s Past in Qumran Writings: Between Myth and Historiography—Jesper Høgenhaven
  • Is Josephus’s John the Baptist Passage a Chronologically Dislocated Story of the Death of Hyrcanus II?—Gregory L. Doudna
  • Thompson’s Jesus: Staring Down the Wishing Well—Jim West
  • The Qur’an as Biblical Rewriting—Mogens Müller

  • Part 3 Biblical Narratives
  • The Food of Life and the Food of Death in Texts from the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East —Ingrid Hjelm
  • A Gate in Gaza: An Essay on the Reception of Tall Tales—Jack M. Sasson
  • Deborah’s Topical Song: Remarks on the Gattung of Judges 5 —Bob Becking
  • How Jerusalem’s Temple Was Aligned to Moses’ Tabernacle: About the Historical Power of an Invented Myth—Rainer Albertz
  • Can the Book of Nehemiah Be Used as an Historical Source , and If So, of What?—Lisbeth S. Fried
  • Chronicles’ Reshaping of Memories of Ancestors Populating Genesis—Ehud Ben Zvi
  • The Book of Proverbs and Hesiod’s Works and Days —Philippe Wajdenbaum
  • The Villain ‘Samaritan’: The Samiri as the Other Moses in Qur’anic Exegesis—Joshua Sabih
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Pritchard: Ancient Near Eastern TextsJames B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts: Relating to the Old Testament (Supplement Included), 3rd edn. Princeton University Press, 1969, 2016. ISBN: 0691035032. pp.744. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Biblical Narratives, Archaeology and HistoricityEmanuel Pfoh & Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò, Biblical Narratives, Archaeology and Historicity. Essays In Honour of Thomas L. Thompson. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. ISBN: 9780567686572. pp.328. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Book or monograph Richard: Near Eastern ArchaeologySuzanne Richard, Near Eastern Archaeology. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 1575060833. pp.486. "Outstanding Academic Title" - American Library Association's Choice magazine.
Book or monograph Roberts: The Bible and the Ancient Near EastJ.J.M. Roberts, The Bible and the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays. Winona Lake, IN: Hardcover 434 pages (September 1, 2002) Publisher: Eisenbrauns, 2002 ISBN: 1575060663. pp.434.
Book or monograph A. Sagona, ed., A View from the Highlands. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney. Peeters, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 9042913525. pp.742.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Sailhamer: Biblical ArchaeologyJohn Sailhamer, Biblical Archaeology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Company, 2010. ISBN: 9780310861164. pp.128. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book Seth Sanders, ed., Margins of Writing, Origins of Culture: New Approaches to Writing and Reading in the Ancient Near East - Papers from a Symposium Held February 25-26, 2005. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2005. Pbk. ISBN: 1885923392. pp.370.
Book or monograph Sasson: Civilisations of the Ancient Near EastJack Sasson, ed. Civilisations of the Ancient Near East, 2 Vols. Peabody, Mass.: Hedrickson Publishers, 2000.Hbk. ISBN: 1565636074. pp.1369.
On-line Resource Archibald Henry Sayce [1845-1933], "Moses in Archaeology and Criticism," Review & Expositor 3.3 (1906): 356-367. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource A.H. Sayce, "Archaeology and the Old Testament," The Evangelical Quarterly 1.4 (Oct. 1929): 337-344.View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Snell: A Companion to the Ancient Near EastDaniel C. Snell, A Companion to the Ancient Near East. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 0631232931. pp.528.
On-line Resource Henry Baker Tristram [1822-1906], Landscapes of the Bible and Their StoryHenry Baker Tristram [1822-1906], Landscapes of the Bible and Their Story. Being Illustrations of Places, Sites, and Cities in Egypt and the Holy Land, and Descriptions of Scenes Depicted. London: Eyre & Spottiswode, 1901. Hbk. pp.108. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource A.D. Tushingham, "How biblical is biblical archaeology," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.1 (1968): 5-8.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource P.J. Visagie, "The beginning of the word: Introduction to a theory of archaeological grammar," Neotestamentica 24.1 (1990): 131-142.View in PDF format
Book or monograph Walton: Ancient Israelite Literature in its Cultural ContextJohn H. Walton, Ancient Israelite Literature in Its Cultural Context: A Survey of Parallels Between Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. Hbk. ISBN: 0310365910. pp.260.
On-line Resource Forest Weddle, "The Limitations of Archaeology Imposed by Interpretation and Lack of Data," Grace Journal 11.3 (Fall 1970): 3-10.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Some Recent Trends in Biblical Archaeology," Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 82 (1950): 1-18.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Genesis 10: Some Archaeological Considerations," Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 87 (1955): 13-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Secular Records in Confirmation of the Scriptures," Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 87 (1955): 25-36. [Gunning Prize Essay] View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Annual Address: The Place and Progress of Biblical Archaeology," Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 88 (1956): 117-128.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Keeping Up to Date About the Past," The Christian Graduate 10.2 (June 1957): 86-89. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Archaeological Confirmation of the Old Testament," Carl F.H. Henry, ed., Revelation and the Bible. Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1958 / London: The Tyndale Press, 1959. pp.301-316.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Donald J. Wiseman, "Archaeology and Scripture," Westminster Theological Journal 33.2 (May 1971): 133-152. View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Donald J. Wiseman, Peoples of Old Testament Times. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0198263163. pp.442.
Book or monograph Donald J. Wold, Out of Order: Homosexuality in the Bible and the Ancient Near East. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1998. Pbk. ISBN: 0801021146. pp.288.
Audio Resource - usually mp3 format Does Archaeology Confirm or Contradict the Bible’s Record? (Dr. Bryant Wood)
Book or monograph Edwin Yamauchi, The Stones and the Scriptures. London: InterVarsity Press, 1973. Pbk. ISBN: 0851105734. {}A brief introduction to biblical archaeology by an expert in the field.
On-line Resource Ziony Zevit, "Three Debates about Bible and Archaeology," Biblica 83 (2002): 1-27.
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