The Bible and Archaeology
Frederic George Kenyon [1863-1952]

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Book Description

The Bible and Archaeology
Publication Year:
George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.
Archaeology, Egypt, Hittites, Assyria, Greece, Israel, Syria, Mesopotamia, Papyri
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Frederic George Kenyon [1863-1952], The Bible and Archaeology

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. The Nature of Archaeological Evidence
  2. Mesopotamia: (I) Assyria and Nineveh
  3. Egypt
  4. The Hittites
  5. Crete and Philistia
  6. Mesopotamia: (II) Sumer and Babylonia
    • Telloh (Lagash)
    • Nippur: The Sumerian Story of the Creation and the Deluge
    • Susa: The Laws of Hammurabi
    • Babylon
    • Kalah Shergat (Ashur)
    • Ur
    • Kish and Jemdet Nasr
    • Other Sites
  7. Syria and Adjoining Countries
    • Tell Halaf
    • Ras Shamra
    • Other Sites (Tell Atchana, Mari, etc.)
  8. Palestine and Sinai
    • Jerusalem
    • Samaria
    • Jericho
    • Lachish
    • Bethshan, Megiddo, and other Sites
    • Sinai
  9. Papyri
  10. Other Manuscripts
    • The Codex Sinaiticus
    • The Apology of Aristides
    • The Sinaitic Syriac Palimpsest
    • The Diatessaron of Tatian
    • The Teaching of the Apostles and the Second Epistle of Clement
    • The Book of Enoch
    • The Gospel and Apocalypse of Peter
    • The Hebrew Original of Ecclesiasticus
    • Aquila and the Hexapla
    • The Freer Manuscripts
    • The Koddethi Gospels
    • The Odes of Solomon
  11. Archaeological Discovery and the Old Testament
  12. Archaeological Discovery and the New Testament
  • Index
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