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Book or monograph R.A. Stewart Macalister [1870-1950], Bible Side-Lights from the Mound of Gezer. A Record of Excavation and Discovery in PalestineR.A. Stewart Macalister [1870-1950], Bible Side-Lights from the Mound of Gezer. A Record of Excavation and Discovery in Palestine. London: Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, 1906. Hbk. pp.232. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph R.A. Stewart Macalister [1870-1950], The Philistines: Their History and Civilization. The Schweich Lectures 1911R.A. Stewart Macalister [1870-1950], The Philistines: Their History and Civilization. The Schweich Lectures 1911. London: Oxford University Press, 1914. Hbk. pp.136. [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph R.A. Stewart Macalister [1870-1950], A Century of Excavation in PalestineR.A. Stewart Macalister [1870-1950], A Century of Excavation in Palestine. London: Religious Tract Society, [1925]. Hbk. pp.335. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book John MacDonald, "Unpublished Palestinian tradition about Muhammed," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.2 (1969): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book John MacDonald, "Egyptian interests in Western Asia to the end of the Middle Kingdom: an evaluation," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.5 (1972): 72-98. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book E. Colin B. MacLaurin, "Beginnings of the Israelite diaspora," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.4 (1971): 82-95.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Bruce J. Malina, "Jewish Christianity: a select bibliography," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.6 (1973): 60-65. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Gerald T. Manley, "The Moabite Background of Deuteronomy," The Evangelical Quarterly 21.2 (April 1949): 81-92.View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Book or monograph D.S. Margoliouth [1858-1940], The Relations between Arabs and Israelites prior to the Rise of Islam. The Schweich Lectures 1921. London: Oxford University Press, 1924. Hbk. pp.87. This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book W.J. Martin, The Dead Sea Scroll of Isaiah. The Campbell Morgan Memorial Bible Lectureship, No. 6. London: Westminister Chapel, 1954. Pbk. pp. 21.
Article in Journal or Book Ernest William Gurney Masterman [1867–1943], "The Walls of Jerusalem at Various Periods," Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 52 (1920): 124-142. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Eugene H. Merrill, "Ebla and biblical historical inerrancy," Bibliotheca Sacra 140 (Oct.-Dec. 1983): 302-321. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book R.S. Merrillees, "Evidence for the bichrome wheel-made ware in Egypt," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.3 (1970): 3-27. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book R.S. Merrillees, "Syrian pottery from Middle Kingdom Egypt," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.6 (1973): 51-59. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph Leopold Messerschmidt [1870-1911], The Hittites. The Ancient East, No. VILeopold Messerschmidt [1870-1911], The Hittites. The Ancient East, No. VI. London: David Nutt, 1903. Hbk. pp.56. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "A New Babylonian 'Genesis' Story," Tyndale Bulletin 18 (1967): 3-18. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, The Bible BC. What can Archaeology Prove? Leicester: IVP, 1977. Pbk. ISBN. 0851102301. pp.48.
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "Archaeology and Ancient Israel," Faith & Thought 108.1, 2 (1981): 53-62.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "The Old Testament and History: Some Considerations," Faith & Thought 110.1, 2 (1983): 34-53.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "The Question of Israelite Literacy," Bible Review 3 (Fall 1987): 22-31.
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "Does the Bible Exaggerate King Solomon's Golden Wealth?" Biblical Archaeology Review 15.3 (1989): 20-34.
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, “How Can Archaeology Contribute to the Study of the Bible?” Evangel 9:1 (1991): 9-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, “Archaeology and the Reliability of the Bible,” Evangel 9:2 (1991): 22-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Alan R Millard, "Texts and Archaeology: Weighing The Evidence. The Case for King Solomon," Palestine Exploration Quarterly (January-June 1991): 19-27.
Article in Journal or Book Early Edom and MoabAlan R. Millard, "Assyrian Involvement in Edom," Piotr Bienkowski, ed., Early Edom and Moab. Sheffield Archaeological Monographs 7. Sheffield: J.R. Collis Publications & National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, 1992. Hbk. ISBN: 0906090458. pp.35-39.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "Ebla and the Bible: What"s left (If Anything) ?" Bible Review 8.2 (April 1992): 18-31, 60, 62.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "Where Was Abraham's Ur? The Case for the Babylonian City," Biblical Archaeology Review 27.3 (2001): 52-53, 57.
Article in Journal or Book Alan Millard, "Literacy in the Time of Jesus: Could His Words Have Been Recorded in His Lifetime?" Biblical Archaeology Review 29:04 (Jul/Aug 2003).
Article in Journal or Book Patrick W. Miller, "The Bible and the Last Half-Century of Archaeology," The Evangelical Quarterly 24.1.(Jan. 1952): 14-23.View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Article in Journal or Book John M. Monson, "Enter Joshua. The "Mother of Current Debates in Biblical Archaeology," James K. Hoffmeier & Dennis R. Magary, eds., Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to ScriptureJohn M. Monson, "Enter Joshua. The "Mother of Current Debates in Biblical Archaeology," James K. Hoffmeier & Dennis R. Magary, eds., Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2012. Pbk. ISBN: 978-4335-2571-1. pp.427-457. View in PDF format pdf [Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,]
Book or monograph James Hope Moulton [1863-1917], From Egyptian Rubbish HeapsJames Hope Moulton [1863-1917], From Egyptian Rubbish Heaps. Five Popular Lectures on the New Testament with a Sermon, delivered at Northfield, Massachusetts, in August, 1914. London: Charles H. Kelly, 1916. Hbk. pp.143. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Leon Morris, The Dead Sea Scrolls and St. John's Gospel. The Campbell Morgan Bible Lectureship, No. 12. London: Westminster Chapel, 1960. Pbk. pp.24.
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