Landscapes of the Bible and Their Story. Being Illustrations of Places, Sites, and Cities in Egypt and the Holy Land, and Descriptions of Scenes Depicted
Henry Baker Tristram [1822-1906]

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Book Description

Landscapes of the Bible and Their Story. Being Illustrations of Places, Sites, and Cities in Egypt and the Holy Land, and Descriptions of Scenes Depicted
Publication Year:
Eyre & Spottiswode
Ancient Near East, Egypt, Israel, Bible
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Henry Baker Tristram [1822-1906], Landscapes of the Bible and Their Story

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Shechem
  • Bethel, and "The Hill Country"
  • Hebron
  • Beer-Sheba, and "The South"
  • The Obelisk at On (Heliopolis)
  • Pithom, The Store City, in the Land of Goshen
  • Canal in the Land of Goshen
  • Elim
  • Sinai
  • Mount Hor, in Edom
  • Jordan and the Plains of Moab
  • The Dead Sea
  • The Plain of Jordan by Jericho
  • Mount Gerizim
  • Old Dan: The Lower Source of Jordan at Tell El Kadi
  • Mount Hermon
  • The Plain of Esdaelon
  • Mount Tabor
  • Bethlehem
  • Engedi and the Wilderness of Judah
  • Mosque and Pool at Hebron
  • Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem from Mount Zion
  • Jerusalem: Robinson's Arch
  • Cedars in Lebanon
  • Samaria
  • Damascus: The General View
  • Siloam, and Jerusalem's Water-Supply
  • Mound of Tell El-Hesy, The Site of the Ancient Lachish
  • Memphis (Noph)
  • Thebes (Luxor)
  • "Pharaoh's House in Tahpanhes" (Jer. 43. 9)
  • The Tree and Well of the Virgin Near On
  • Nazareth
  • Cana of Galilee
  • Jacob's Well
  • Capernaum (Tell Hum)
  • Magdala and the Land of Gennesaret
  • Ploughing with a Yoke of Oxen
  • Women Grinding Corn
  • The Upper Source of Jordan Near Banias Banias
  • The Road from Jerusalem to Jericho
  • Bethany
  • Jerusalem: The Jews'. Wailing Place and Ancient Masonry
  • The Garden of Gethsemane
  • Damascus and "The Street Called Straight"
  • Athens (Mars' Hill)
  • Ruins at Tyre
  • The Roman Forum
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