Light from the East, or the Witness of the Monuments. An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology
Charles James Ball [1851-1924]

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Book Description

Light from the East, or the Witness of the Monuments. An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology
Publication Year:
Eyre and Spottiswoode
Archaeology, Ancient Ner East
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Charles James Ball [1851-1924], Light from the East, or the Witness of the Monuments. An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Index of Subjects
  • Index of Passages of Scripture Referred to

    Mesopotamian Document Which Illustrate Genesis
    • Babylonian Epic of Creation
    • Another Babylonian Account of the Creation
    • Ancient Babylonian Map of the World
    • Babylonian and Assyrian Seals
    • Assyrian Sacred Trees with Cherubic Figures
    • Assyrian Cherubic Figures
    • The Chaldean Story of the Flood and the Chaldean Noah
    • An Archaic Babylonian Seal, Representing the Chaldean Noah
    • Fragment of Another Babylonian Account of the Flood
    • The Babylonian Legend of Gilgamesh-Nimrod
    • An Inscribed Limestone Tablet From Sippara (Abu Habbah)
    • Head of a Mace or Sceptre Inscribed with the Name of Sargon I.
    • Seal Of Ilu-Ishtar (?)
    • Inscribed Statue of Gudea, King of Chaldea
    • The Old Sumerian Inscription Known as Gudea B
    • Bronze Statuette of a God Or Pontiff-King
    • Fragments of Assyrian Clay Tablets, Inscribed with Early Hieroglyphics Forms of Cuneiform Characters
    • Ur of the Chaldees, and Inscribed Bricks From its Site
    • Portrait of Hammurabi, or Amraphel, King of Shinar
    • Inscribed Cylinder of Arioch (?), King of Ellasar
    • Sumerian and Semitic-Babylonian Inscription
    • Obverse of an Unbaked Clay Fragment in the British Museum
    • Inscription of Ku-du-ur-Ma-bu-ug (Kudur-Mabug), on Bricks from the Foundations of the Buildings of the South of the Great Mound of Muqayyar
    • Inscription of Ha-am-mu-ra-bi (Hammurabi), on a Slab of Limestone in the British Museum
    • Tablet of Assur-Nasir-pal I., King of Assyria
  • Asiatics in Egypt
    • A Family of the Aamu of N. Arabia Going Down into Egypt, Depicted in the Tombs at Beni-Hassan in Upper Egypt, About Midway Between Memphis and Thebes
    • Funerary Stele of Aunef The Hyksos or Shepherd Kings
    • Monumental Names and Titles of the Pharaohs of Scripture
  • Egypt and Syria
    • Chu-En-Aten, or Akhu-en-Aten (Amenophis IV., King of Egypt, 18th Dynasty), the Heretical or Reforming Pharaoh
    • The Tell El-Amarna Correspondence
  • The Pharoahs in Syria
    • The Hittites
    • A Hittite Portrait
    • Amun of Thebes
    • Ruins of Thebes
    • Great Hall of Temple of Amun, at Karnak
    • Seti I. Fighting Against the Asiatics
    • Colossus of Rameses II.
    • Great Hittite Campaign of Rameses II. (The Battle of Kadesh.)
    • A Letter in the Ancient Egyptian Hieratic Writing
    • Rameses II., The Pharaoh of the Oppression
  • Israel in Egypt—Scenes from Egyptian Life
    • Pithom, The Store-City: Egyptian Granaries
    • Brick-Making in Egypt by Foreign Captives Under Taskmasters
    • Brick of Rameses II. and Egyptian Statuaries
    • Captives Dragging a Colossus in Egypt
    • Transport of an Assyrian Colossus
    • Egyptian Musicians and Dancers
    • Funeral Processions of the Egyptians
    • Richly Decorated Mummy-Case
    • Anubis, The Egyptian Hermes, Tending a Mummy on its Bier
    • The Soul Reanimating the Bodv in the Tomb
    • "After Death The Judgment"
    • The Goddess of the Sacred Fig-Sycamore Tree Presenting Fruit and Drink to a Deceased Pair
  • The Exodus
    • Portrait Statue of Meneptah II., The Pharaoh of the Exodus
    • Syenite Stele of Amenophis III., With Added Inscription of Meneptah II., Mentioning the Israelites
    • Shishak or Shashank L., The Invader of Judah in the Time of Rehoboam
    • Sword of Kammanu-Nirari I., King of Assyria
  • Old Testament Ethnography
    • Ancient Chaldeans or Accadians (Better Sumerians)
    • Typical Heads of The Nations of Canaan and the Adjacent Countries
  • The So-Called Monuments of the Hittites
    • Rock Sculpture of A Local Baal, A God of Cord and Wine, With Supposed Hittite Inscriptions
    • The Bilingual ("Hittite" and Assyrian) Boss of Tarkondemos
    • Terra-Cotta Seals and Seal-Impressions
    • Stone Lion from Marash With "Hittite" Inscription
    • Babylonian Boundary Stones or Landmarks
    • The Religion of Babylon and Assyria, as Illustrated by the Seal-Engravings A Stone Tablet Pourtraying the Worship of the Sun-God, and Bearing an Inscription of Nabu-apla-Iddina, King of Babylon
    • Seal of Arad-Nabium
  • Assyrian Warfare and Military Engines
    • Assur-Nasir-Pal II. Besieging A "Fenced City," and, for Comparison, Rameses and His Three Sons Besieging a City
    • Limestone Monolith of Assur-Nasir-Pal II., King of Assyria
    • Royal Hunting Scenes
    • The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser II., King of Assyria
    • Scenes From the Black Obelisk
    • Inscribed Statue of Nebo, The Babylonian God of Letters
    • Tiglath-Pileser II. (III.)
    • Official Records of Tiglath-Pileser II.
    • Old Babylonian Seal of Sin-Iqisha, Who Was Probably a Priest or Scribe
    • The Old Aramean Inscription of Panammu
    • Broken Cylinder of Sargon II., King of Assyria
  • Sennacherib
    • Record of the Invasion of Judah and the Siege of Jerusalem
    • The Storming of Lachish in Judah, With Sennacherib Receiving the Spoils and Captives
    • Mound of Tell El-Hesy, The Site of the Ancient Lachish
    • Phoenician Ships in the Service of Sennacherib
    • Monolith with Sculptured Portrait of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria
    • Assur-Bani-Pal, King of Assyria
    • Assur-Bani-Pal and His Queen Banqueting in the Garden
  • Ancient Monuments of the Period of the Captivity of Judah
    • India House Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar II. (The Great), King of Babylon
    • Cylinder With Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar II. (The Great)
    • Cameo Portrait of Nebuchadnezzar II.
    • Inscription from the Four Clay Cylinders of Nabium-Na-id or Nabonidus, Mentioning the King's Son Belu-Sharra-usur, or Belshazzar
    • Inscription on a Clay Cylinder of Nabonidus Note on the Date of Hammurabi, The Amraphel of Gen. 14
    • Inscription of Nabonidus
    • Head of a Sceptre from Babylon
    • Annals of Nabonidus
    • Birs Nimrud. The Ruins of E-Zidda, The Great Temple of Nebo at Barsib or Borsippa
    • Sculptured Stele, with Portrait of Cyrus
    • Inscription of the Broken Cylinder of Cyrus
    • The Tomb of Cyrus at Meshed-Murghab
    • Darius, King of Persia
    • A Babylonian Deed of Sale, Dated in the Third Year of Darius
    • Monumental Names of Babylonian, Assyrian, and Persian Kings Mentioned in the Old Testament
    • The Phoenicio-Hebrew Alphabet, Showing its Origin from the Old Linear and Primarily Pictorial Script of Shumir or Shinar, Rather than from the Egyptian Hieratic Character
    • The Baal Lebanon Inscription
    • The Moabite Stone
    • The Siloam Inscription
  • Phoenician Monuments
    • Limestone Stele of Jahaumelech, King of Gebal. (Byblus)
    • Inscription on The Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar II., King of the Zidonians
    • Bilingual Inscription, Phoenician and Cypriote
    • The Sacrificial Tablet of Marseilles
    • The Rosetta Stone
    • The Bilingual Inscription of Canopus
  • A list of Proper Names in the Old and New Testaments
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