Beersheba / Beersheva

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Article in Journal or Book “Horned Altar for Animal Sacrifice Unearthed at Beer-Sheva,” Biblical Archaeology Review 1.1 (1975): 1, 8–9, 15.
On-line Resource Francis Crawford Burkitt [1864-1935], "Notes on the Greek Inscriptions from Beersheba," Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 52.1 (Jan. 1920): 16-22.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Douglas P. Blair, "Some Greek Inscriptions From Beersheba," Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 52.1 (Jan. 1920): 15-16.
On-line Resource Prof. M. Clermont-Ganneau (1846-1923), "Supplementary Remarks Upon the Greek Inscription From Beersheba," Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 34.4 (Oct. 1902): 385-388. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
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