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Article in Journal or Book Merling K. Alomía, "Heshbon 1976. Notes on the Present Avifauna of Hesbân," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 289-303.
Article in Journal or Book Myriam Ayaolon, "Hesbon Ostracon III," Andews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 132.
Article in Journal or Book Dewey M. Beegle, "Heshbon 1973. Necropolis Area F," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.2 (Autumn 1975): 203-211.
Article in Journal or Book Michael B. Blaine, "Heshbon 1976. Area G.12," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 183-188.
Article in Journal or Book Joachim Boessneck & Angela Von Den Driesch,"Heshbon 1976. The Human Skeletal Remains from Hesbân's Cemeteries," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 259-287.
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Boraas & Siegfried H. Horn, "Heshbon Expedition: The First Campaign at Tell Hesban (1968)," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.2 (July 1969): 97-117.
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Boraas & Siegfried H. Horn, "Heshbon Expedition: The First Campaign at Tell Hesban (1968): Summary," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.2 (July 1969): 217-222.
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Borass & Siegfried H. Horn, "Heshbon Expedition: Second Campaign at Tell Heshbân (1971)," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 1-16.
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Boraas & Siegfried H. Horn, " (1973) / by Boraas, Roger S...[et al.]," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.2 (AutumnHeshbon expedition: the third campaign at Tell Hesbön 1975): 101-116.
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Boraas & Siegfried H. Horn, "Heshbon 1973: the third campaign at Tell Hesbân, a preliminary report / by Boraas, Roger S...[et al.]," Andrews University Monographs, Studies in Religion. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1975. pp.viii+146, 22 plates
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Boraas & Lawrence T. Geraty, "Heshbon expedition: the fourth campaign at Tell Hesbön (1974), a preliminary report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 1-15.
Article in Journal or Book Roger S. Boraas & Lawrence T. Geraty, "Heshbon expedition: The fifth Campaign at Tell Hesban (1976): a preliminary report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 1-17.
Article in Journal or Book Robin Brown, "Heshbon 1976. Area G.11, 16, 17, 18," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 167-182.
Article in Journal or Book Douglas R. Clark & Gloria Anne London, "Investigating ancient ceramic traditions on both sides of the Jordan," Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000. pp.100-110.
Article in Journal or Book James Cox, "Heshbon 1974. A Rhodian Potter's Date-Stamp," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 149-155.
Book or monograph Patricia Crawford, "Heshbon 1974. The Mollusca of Tell Hesbân," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 171--175.
Article in Journal or Book Patricia Crawford, & Øystein Sakala LaBianca, "Heshbon 1974. The Flora of Hesbân. A Preliminary Report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 177-184.
Article in Journal or Book Patricia Crawford, Øystein Sakala LaBianca & Robert B. Stewart, "The Flotation Remains," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 185-187.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "Ostracon from Heshbon," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.2 (July 1969): 223-229.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "Heshbon Ostracon II," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 126-131.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "Ammonite Ostraca from Heshbon: Heshbon Ostraca IV-VIII," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.1 (Spring 1975): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "Heshbon Ostracon XI," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 145-148.
Article in Journal or Book John J. Davis, "Heshbon 1976: Areas F & K," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 129-
Article in Journal or Book William G. Dever, "Syro-Palestinian Archaeology "Comes of Age": The Inaugural Volume of the Hesban Series," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 290-291 (May-Aug. 1993): 127-130.
Article in Journal or Book Bastiaan van Elderen, "Heshbon Expedition: The First Campaign at Tell Hesban (1968): Area A," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.2 (July 1969): 142--164.
Article in Journal or Book Bastiaan van Elderen, "Heshbon 1973. Area A," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 17-28.
Article in Journal or Book Bastiaan Van Elderen, "Heshbon 1976. Area A," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 19-30.
Article in Journal or Book Giraud V. Foster, "The tales tali tell: an examination of the ovicaprid astragali from Tell Hesban," American Journal of Archaeology 88.2 (April 1984): 243-244.
Article in Journal or Book Giovanni Garbini, "Ammonite inscriptions," Journal of Semitic Studies 19 (Autumn 1974): 159-168.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Thomas Geraty, "Heshbon 1971. Area D," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 89-112.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence T. Geraty, "Heshbon 1973. Area D," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.2 (Autumn 1975): 183-202.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence T. Geraty, "Heshbon Ostracon X," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 143-144.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence T. Geraty, "Heshbon exhibit and lectures," Biblical Archaeologist 44 (Fall 1981): 247.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence T. Geraty, "Heshbon: the first casualty in the Israelite quest for the Kingdom of God," Quest for the Kingdom of God. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983. pp.239-248.
Article in Journal or Book Sidney Goldstein, "Heshbon 1974. Glass Fragments from Tell Hesbon. A Preliminary Report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 127-132.
Article in Journal or Book Jennifer Groot, "Heshbon 1976. The Prometheus Bone Carving From Area B," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 225-228.
Article in Journal or Book Dorothy Harvey, "Heshbon 1971. Area A," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 17-34.
Article in Journal or Book Larry G. Herr, "Heshbon 1974. Area D," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 79-99.
Article in Journal or Book Larry Herr, "Heshbon 1974. Area G.5," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 107-108.
Article in Journal or Book Larry G. Herr, "Heshbon 1976: Area D," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 109-
Article in Journal or Book Larry G. Herr, "What Ever Happened to the Ammonites," Biblical Archaeology Review 19 (Nov.-Dec. 1993): 26-35, 68.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried H. Horn, "1968 Heshbon expedition," Biblical Archaeologist 32 (May 1969): 26-41.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried H. Horn, "Heshbon (Jordanie)," Revue biblique 76 (July 1969): 395-398.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried H. Horn, "The 1971 season of excavations at Tell Hesban," Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Vol 17. Amman: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dept of Antiquities, 1972. pp.15-22.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried H. Horn, "The 1973 season of excavations at Tell Hesban," Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Vol 19,. Amman: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Dept of Antiquities, 1974. pp.151-156.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried H. Horn, "Heshbon 1976. An Egyptian Scarab in Early Roman Tomb F.31," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 223-224.
Article in Journal or Book Robert D. Ibach, "Heshbon 1974. Area G.8 (Umm Es-Sarab)," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 113-117.
Article in Journal or Book Robert D. Ibach, "Archaeological survey of the Hesbân region," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 119-126.
Article in Journal or Book Robert D. Ibach, "Expanded archaeological survey of the Hesban region," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 201-213.
Article in Journal or Book Harold James, Jr., "Heshbon 1974. Geological Study at Tell Hesbân, 1974. A Preliminary Report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 165-169.
Article in Journal or Book Chang-Ho C. Ji, "Settlement Patterns in the Region of Hesban and Umeiri, Jordan: A Review of 1973-1992 Archaeological Survey Data," Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin ns no 43 (1998): 1-21.
Article in Journal or Book James Kritzech, "Heshbon 1974. Two Early Arabic Glass Weights," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 157-162.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Kritzeck & Eugenia L. Nitowski, "The rolling-stone tomb F 1 at Tell Hesbân," Andrews University Seminary Studies 18.1 (Spring 1980): 77-100.
Article in Journal or Book Øystein Labianca, "The Zooarchaeological Remains from Tell Heshbân," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.2 (July 1973): 133-144.
Article in Journal or Book Øystein Sakala LaBianca, "The Village of Heshbân: An Ethnographic Preliminary Report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 189-200.
Article in Journal or Book Øystein LaBianca, "Man, Animals, and Habitat at Hesbân: An Integrated Overview," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 229-252.
Article in Journal or Book Øystein Sakala LaBianca, "Sociocultural anthropology and Syro-Palestinian archaeology," Benchmarks in Ttime and Culture. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988. pp.369-387.
Article in Journal or Book Øystein S. LaBianca & Paul J. Ray, Jr., "Madaba Plains project 1997: excavations and restoration work at Tall Hisban and vicinity," Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan Vol 43 (1999). Amman, Jordan: Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 1999. pp.115-125.
Article in Journal or Book Øystein Sakala LaBianca & Asta Sakala LaBianca, "Domestic Animals of the Early Roman Period at Tell Heshbân," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 205-216.
Article in Journal or Book John Lawlor, "Heshbon 1976. Area G.14," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 189-199.
Article in Journal or Book John I. Lawlor, "The Excavation of the North Church at Hesbân, Jordan: a preliminary report," Andrews University Seminary Studies 18.1 (Spring 1980): 65-76.
Article in Journal or Book John I. Lawlor, "A corpus of bone carvings from the excavation of the Esbous north church (Hesban, Jordan)," Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000. pp.290-301.
Article in Journal or Book Robert M. Little, "An Anthropological Preliminary Note on the First Season at Tell Hesban," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.2 (July 1969): 232-239.
Article in Journal or Book W. Harold Mare, "Heshbon 1974: Area C," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 63-78.
Article in Journal or Book W. Harold Mare, " Heshbon 1974. Area G.6, 7, 9," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 109-112.
Article in Journal or Book W. Harold Mare, "Heshbon 1976. Area C.1, 2, 3, 5, 7," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 51-70.
Article in Journal or Book Keith Mattingly & Theodore Burgh, "Lintel Inscription: Tall Hisban, Field M, Square 5, 2001," Andrews University Seminary Studies 43.2 (Autumn 2005): 247-260.
Article in Journal or Book David Merling, "Heshbon: A Lost City of the Bible," Archaeology in the Biblical World 1 (Fall 1991): 10-17.
Article in Journal or Book David Merling, "Heshbon Expedition 25th-Anniversary Celebration," Andrews University Seminary Studies 31.1 (Spring 1993): 57-58.
Article in Journal or Book Eugenia Nitowski, "Heshbon 1974. An Inscribed Maml�k Sherd<," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 163-164.
Article in Journal or Book S. Thomas Parker, "Heshbon 1976: Area C.4, 6, 8, 9, 10," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 71-
Article in Journal or Book Kay Prag, "A Walk in the Wadi Hesban," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (Jan.-June 1991): 48-61.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Reeves, "Parallels to a rare double-spouted Early Roman oil lamp from Tomb E 6, Tell Hesbön," Andrews University Seminary Studies 18.2 (Autumn 1980): 169-172.
Article in Journal or Book James Sauer, "Heshbon 1971. Area B," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 35-71.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Sauer, "Heshbon 1973. Area B and Square D.4," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.2 (Autumn 1975): 133-167.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Sauer, "Heshbon 1974. Area B and Square D.4," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 29-62.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Sauer, "Heshbon 1976: Area B and Square D.4," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 31-
Article in Journal or Book James Stirling, "Heshbon 1974. Area E, F, and G.10," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 101-106.
On-line Resource James H. Stirling, "Human Skeletal Remains from Tell Heshbân," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 201-204.
Article in Journal or Book James H. Stirling, "Heshbon 1976. The Human Skeletal Remains from Hesbân's Cemeteries," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 253-257.
Article in Journal or Book J Bjornar Storfjell, "The stratigraphy of Tell Hesban, Jordan, in the Byzantine period," Andrews University Seminary Studies 24.1 (Spring 1986): 49.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Terian, "Coins from the 1973 and 1974 excavations at Heshbon," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14.1 (Spring 1976): 133-141.
Article in Journal or Book Henry O. Thompson, "Heshbon Expedition: The First Campaign at Tell Hesban (1968): Area C," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.2 (July 1969): 127-142.
Article in Journal or Book Henry O. Thompson, "Heshbon 1973. Area C," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.2 (Autumn 1975): 169-181.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Terian, "Coins from the 1971 excavations at Heshbon," Andrews University Seminary Studies 12.1 (Jan. 1974): 35-46.
Article in Journal or Book Henry O. Thompson, "Heshbon 1971. Area C," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 72-88.
Article in Journal or Book Werner Vyhmeister, "History of Heshbon from literary sources," Andrews University Seminary Studies 6.2 (July 1968): 158-177.
Article in Journal or Book Bethany J. Walker, "The late Ottoman cemetery in field L, Tall Hisban," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 322 (May 2001): 47-65.
Article in Journal or Book S. Douglas Waterhouse, "Heshbon 1971. Areas E and F," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.1 (Jan. 1973): 113-125.
Article in Journal or Book Douglas Waterhouse & Robert Ibach, Jr., "Heshbon 1973. Topographical Survey," Andrews University Seminary Studies 13.2 (Autumn 1975): 217-233.
Article in Journal or Book Donald H. Wimmer, "Heshbon 1976. Area G.4, 13, 15," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 149-166.
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