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Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, "The Palestine Exploration Fund: notes and news (Jan. 1940)" Palestine Exploration Quarterly 72 (Jan. 1940): 1-6.
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Article in Journal or Book Moshé Anbar, "Mari and the Origin of Prophecy," Kinattutu sa darâti. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Univ, 1993. pp.1-5.
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Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi & Maria Giovanna Biga, "A Victory Over Mari and the Fall of Ebla," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 55 (2003): 1-44.
Article in Journal or Book Pinhas Artzi & Abraham Malamat, "The correspondence of Sibtu, Queen of Mari in ARM X," Orientalia ns 40.1 (1971): 75-89.
Article in Journal or Book Michael C. Astour, "The Location of Hasura of the Mari Texts," Maarav 7 (1991): 51-65.
Article in Journal or Book Michael C. Astour, "Sparagmos, omophagia, and ecstatic prophecy at Mari," Ugarit-Forschungen 24 (1993): 1-2.
Article in Journal or Book Hans M. Barstad, "Mari and the Hebrew Bible: Some Parallels," Svensk Exegetisk arsbok 70 (2005): 21-32.
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Article in Journal or Book Giorgio Buccellati, "The kingdom and period of Khana," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 270 (May 1988): 43-61.
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On-line Resource Abraham Malamat, "The Ban in Mari and in the Bible," Neotestamentica 1 (1966): 40-49. View in PDF format pdf
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Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "Mari and early Israel," Biblical Archaeology Today. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1985. pp.235-243.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "A forerunner of biblical prophecy: the Mari documents," Ancient Israelite Religion. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987. pp.33-52.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "Pre-monarchical social institutions in Israel in the light of Mari," Congress volume. Leiden: E J Brill, 1988. pp.165-176.
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Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "New light from Mari (ARM XXVI) on biblical prophecy (III-IV)," Storia e tradizioni di Israele. Brescia: Paideia Editrice, 1991. pp.185-190.
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Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "Mari and Hazor - trade relations in the Old Babylonian period," Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993. pp.66-70.
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Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "Prophecy at Mari," Place is Too Small for Us. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995. pp.50-73.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Malamat, "Episodes involving Samuel and Saul and the prophetic texts from Mari," Hesed ve-emet. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998. pp.225-229.
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On-line Resource Dennis Pardee, "," AndLiterary sources for the history of Palestine and Syria: the Mari Archivesrews University Seminary Studies 15.2 (Autumn 1977): 189-234.View in PDF format pdf
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