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Article in Journal or Book John M. Allegro, "Some archaeological sites and the Old Testament: Qumran," Expository Times 66 (June 1955): 259-262.
Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, "Horbat Qumran," Excavations and surveys in Israel, vol 18 (1998). Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 1998. p.84.
Article in Journal or Book John R. Bartlett, "The archaeology of Qumran," Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation. London: Routledge, 1997. pp.67-94.
Article in Journal or Book Frédéric Boyer, ed., "Qumran and the Dead Sea scrolls," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.3 (Sept. 2000): 120-176.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly George J. Brooke, Exegesis at Qumran: 4Q Florilegium in I.George J. Brooke, Exegesis at Qumran: 4Q Florilegium in I. London: Bloomsbury, 1984. ISBN: 9780567441645. pp.380. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book George J. Brooke, Deuteronomy 5-6 in the phylacteries from Qumran cave 4. Leiden: Brill, 2003. pp.57-70.
Article in Journal or Book Magen Broshi, "The archeology of Qumran - a reconsideration," Dead Sea Scrolls. Leiden: EJ Brill, 1992. pp.103-115.
Article in Journal or Book Magen Broshi & Hanan Eshel, "Whose bones? new Qumran excavations, new debates," Biblical Archaeology Review 29.1 (Jan.-Feb. 2003): 26-33, 71.
Article in Journal or Book Magen Broshi & Hanan Eshel, "Excavations at Qumran, summer of 2001," Israel Exploration Journal 53.1 (2003): 61-73.
Article in Journal or Book Magen Broshi & Hanan Eshel (Claude Grenache, Translator), "Daily life at Qumran," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.3 (Sept. 2000): 136-137.
Article in Journal or Book Magen Broshi & Hanan Eshel, "How and where did the Qumranites live," Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Leiden: EJ Brill, 1999. pp.266-273.
Article in Journal or Book Lena Cansdale, "The metamorphosis of the name "Qumran"," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.631-636.
Article in Journal or Book Lena Cansdale, "Qumran, its names past and present: a literary and archaeological investigation," Ancient History in a Modern University, vol 2. Sydney: Macquarie University, Ancient History & Documentary Research Ctr; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998. pp.23-33.
Article in Journal or Book Jerzy Ciecielag, "Coins from the so-called Essene settlements on the Dead Sea shores," Mogilany 1995. Krakow: Enigma Press, 1998. pp.105-115.
Article in Journal or Book John Joseph Collins, Michael O. Wise, Norman Golb & Dennis Pardee, eds., "Methods of investigation of the Dead Sea scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran site: present realities and future prospects," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; 722. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. pp.xiii, 514.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Sidnie White Crawford, Scribes and Scrolls at QumranSidnie White Crawford, Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019. ISBN: 9781467456586. pp.400. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Frederick H. Cryer & Thomas L. Thompson, Qumran between the Old and New TestamentsFrederick H. Cryer & Thomas L. Thompson, Qumran between the Old and New Testaments. London: Bloomsbury, 1998. ISBN: 9780567181350. pp.398. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
  • Contents:
  • The Genre of 11 QMelchizedek
  • The Essenes in Philo and Josephus
  • The Consciousness of Belonging to God's Covenant and What it Entails According to the Damascus Document and the Community Rule
  • Genesis in Qumran
  • The Mystery to Come: Early Essene Theology of Revelation
  • The Isaiah Scroll and the Composition of the Book of Isaiah
  • The Spirit in Human Beings in Some Qumran Non-Biblical Texts
  • The Understanding of Community in the Old Testament and in the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • The History of the Qumran Community in the Light of Recently Available Texts
  • The Use of Old Testament Quotations in the Qumran Community Rule
  • Qumran and LXX
  • The Archaeology of Khirbet Qumran
  • 4QTestimonia and Bible Composition: A Copenhagen Lego Hypothesis
  • The Significance of the Texts from the Judean Desert for the History of the Text of the Hebrew Bible: A New Synthesis
  • The Teacher of Righteousness, the History of the Qumran Community, and our Understanding of the Jesus Movement: Texts, Theories and Trajectories
  • Historiography of Qumran: The Sons of Zadok and their Enemies
Article in Journal or Book Scripture and Other ArtifactsPhilip R. Davies, "Khirbet Qumran Revisited," Michael J. Coogan, J. Cheryl Exum & Lawrence E. Stager, editors. Scripture and Other Artifacts: Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in Honor of Philip J. King. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994. Hbk. ISBN: 0664220363. pp.126-142.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Donceel & Pauline Donceel-Voûte, "The archaeology of Khirbet Qumran," Methods of investigation of the Dead Sea scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran site. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. pp.1-38.
Article in Journal or Book Gregory L. Doudna, "Ostraca KhQ1 and KhQ2 from the cemetery of Qumran: a new edition," Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004-2005).
Article in Journal or Book Torleif Elgvin, "Rare incense altar raises burning questions," Biblical Archaeology Review 28.5 (Sept.-Oct. 2002): 35-39, 68.
Article in Journal or Book Hanan Eshel, "Qumran studies in light of archaeological excavations between 1967 and 1997," Journal of Religious History 26.2 (June 2002): 179-188.
Article in Journal or Book Hanan Eshel, "CD 12:15-17 and the stone vessels found at Qumran," Damascus Document. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2000. pp.45-52.
Article in Journal or Book Richard A. Freund, "An apology--and a charge of libel: the bones of Qumran," Biblical Archaeology Review 29.2 (Mar-April 2003): 62-63.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Golb, "The Dead Sea scrolls and pre-Tannaitic Judaism," Cambridge History of Judaism, vol 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. pp.822-851, 1177-1179.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Golb, "Khirbet Qumran and the manuscript finds of the Judaean wilderness," Methods of investigation of the Dead Sea scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran site. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. pp.51-72.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Golb, "Hypothesis of Jerusalem origin of DSS - synopsis," Mogilany 1989: papers on the Dead Sea scrolls offered in memory of Jean Carmignac, part 1. Cracow: Enigma Press, 1993. pp.53-57.
Article in Journal or Book Norman Golb, "Who hid the Dead Sea Scrolls," Biblical Archaeologist 48 (June 1985): 68-82.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Goranson, "Further Qumran archaeology publications in progress," Biblical Archaeologist 54 (June 1991): 110-111.
Article in Journal or Book Gordon Govier, "New Qumran Caves Dig Set to Start," Christianity Today 39 (Oct. 23): 1995): 88.
Article in Journal or Book Jan Gunneweg & Marta Balla, "How neutron activation analysis can assist research into the provenance of the pottery at Qumran," Historical Perspectives. Boston: Brill, 2001. pp.179-185.
Article in Journal or Book Rachel Hachlili, "The Qumran cemetery: a reconsideration," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.661-672.
Article in Journal or Book Rachel Hachlili, "The Qumran cemetery: a reconsideration," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.661-672.
Article in Journal or Book Rachel Hachlili, "Burial Practices at Qumran," Revue de Qumran 16 (Dec. 1993): 247-264.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald W. Lankester Harding, "Khirbet Qumran and Wady Muraba'at," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 84 (May-Oct. 1952): 104-109.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald Lankester Harding & William L. Reed, "Archaeological News from Jordan," Biblical Archaeologist 16 (Feb. 1953): 2-17.
Article in Journal or Book Patricia Hidiroglou (Claude Grenache, Translator), "Aqueducts, basins, and cisterns: the water systems at Qumran," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.3 (Sept. 2000): 138-139.
Article in Journal or Book Yizhar Hirschfeld, "Excavations at Ein Feshkha, 2001: final report," Israel Exploration Journal 54.1 (2004): 37-74.
Article in Journal or Book Yizhar Hirschfeld, "Qumran in the Second Temple Period: reassessing the archaeological evidence," Liber annuus 52 (2002): 247-296.
Article in Journal or Book Yizhar Hirschfeld, "The architectural context of Qumran," Dead Sea scrolls. Jerusalem : Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.673-683.
Article in Journal or Book Yizhar Hirschfeld, "The architectural context of Qumran," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.673-683.
Article in Journal or Book Jean-Baptiste Humbert (Claude Grenache, Translator), "Interpreting the Qumran site," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.3 (Sept. 2000): 140-143.
Article in Journal or Book Zdzislaw Jan Kapera, "Archaeological interpretations of the Qumran settlement: a rapid review of hypotheses fifty years after the discoveries at the Dead Sea," Mogilany 1995. Krakow: Enigma Press, 1998. pp.15-33.
Article in Journal or Book Zdzislaw Jan Kapera, "Recent research on the Qumran cemetery," Mogilany 1995. Krakow: Enigma Press, 1998. pp.77-86.
Article in Journal or Book Zdzislaw Jan Kapera, "Some remarks on the Qumran cemetery," Methods of investigation of the Dead Sea scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran site. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. pp.97-113.
Article in Journal or Book James Leon Kelso (1892-1978), "Archeology of Qumran," Journal of Biblical Literature 74.3 (Sept. 1955): 141-146.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham Levy, "Bad Timing: What Time Is It When the Qumran Sundial Reads 15 O'Clock? Time to Get a New Theory," Biblical Archaeology Review 24 (July-Aug. 1998): 18-23.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Jeremy D. Lyon, Qumean Interpretation of the Genesis FloodJeremy D. Lyon, Qumean Interpretation of the Genesis Flood. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015. ISBN: 9781498220101. pp.224. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "Women at Qumran?" What Athens has to do with Jerusalem. Leuven: Peeters, 2002. pp.89-123.
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "A reassessment of the excavations of Qumran," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.708-719.
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "Two Notes on the Archaeology of Qumran," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 312 (Nov. 1998): 37-44.
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "The chronology of Qumran, Ein Feshkha, and Ein el-Ghuweir," Mogilany 1995. Krakow: Enigma Press, 1998. pp.55-76.
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "Qumran archaeology: past perspectives and future prospects," Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years, vol 1. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1998. pp.47-77.
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "A Villa at Khirbet Qumran," Revue de Qumran 16.3 (Dec. 1994): 397-419.
Article in Journal or Book Jodi Magness, "The community at Qumran in light of its pottery," Methods of investigation of the Dead Sea scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran site. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. pp.39-50.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Jodi Magness, The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea ScrollsJodi Magness, The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2021. ISBN: 9781467462419. pp.400. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book Gayle F. Miner, David V. Arnold & David G. Long, "Archaeological applications of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) / by Miner, Gayle F...[et al.]," Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Leiden: E J Brill, 1999. pp.32-43.
Article in Journal or Book Gloria Moss, "Religion and Medicine: The Case of Qumran," Faith and Freedom 51 (Spring-Summer 1998): 44-61.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Patrich, "Did extra-mural dwelling quarters exist at Qumran?" Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.720-727.
Article in Journal or Book Allan Rosengren Petersen, "The archaeology of Khirbet Qumran," Qumran between the Old and New Testaments. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. pp.249-260.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen J. Pfann, "Kelei dema: tithe jars, scroll jars and cookie jars," Copper scroll Studies. London/New York: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. pp.163-179.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen J. Pfann (Claude Grenache, Translator), "The publication of the Qumran and A´n Feshkha excavations, English edition," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.3 (Sept. 2000): 128.
Article in Journal or Book Emile Puech, "The Necropolises of Khirbet Qumran and Ain el-Ghuweir and the Essene Belief in Afterlife," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 312 (Nov. 1998): 21-36.
Article in Journal or Book Yehudah Rapuano, "The Hasmonean period 'synagogue' at Jericho and the 'council chamber' building at Qumran," Israel Exploration Journal 51.1 (2001): 48-56.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Eyal Regev, Sectarianism in QumranEyal Regev, Sectarianism in Qumran. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. ISBN: 9783110896640. pp.456. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Eyal Regev, The Social Archaeology of Late Second Temple JudaeaEyal Regev, The Social Archaeology of Late Second Temple Judaea. From Purity, Burial, and Art, to Qumran, Herod, and Masada. London: taylor & Francis, 2022. ISBN: 9780429783807. pp.336. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book Ronny Reich, "Miqwaot at Khirbet Qumran and the Jerusalem connection," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.728-731.
Article in Journal or Book Ronny Reich, "A Note on the Function of Room 30 (the "Scriptorium") at Khirbet Qumran," Journal of Jewish Studies 46 (Spring-Autumn 1995): 157-160.
Article in Journal or Book Bonnie Rochman, "It Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin': Sundial from Qumran Identified," Biblical Archaeology Review 23 (July-Aug. 1997): 20.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence H. Schiffman & Marlene Schiffman, "And it shall come to pass in the end of days: an agenda for the future," Dead Sea Scrolls at Fifty. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999. pp.205-211.
Article in Journal or Book Hershel Shanks, "Searching for Essenes: at Ein Gedi, not Qumran," Biblical Archaeology Review 28.4 (July-Aug. 2002): 18-27, 60.
Article in Journal or Book Hershel Shanks, "Religious Jews: save the bones of your ancestors," Biblical Archaeology Review 27.2 (Mar.-April 2001): 19.
Article in Journal or Book Hershel Shanks, "More caves found at Qumran: report details dacade-old work," Biblical Archaeology Review 27.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2001): 20.
Article in Journal or Book Hershel Shanks, "Who Lies Here? Jordan Tombs Match Those at Qumran," Biblical Archaeology Review 25 (Sept.-Oct. 1999): 48-53, 76.
Article in Journal or Book Hershel Shanks, "The Qumran Settlement: Monastery, Villa or Fortress?" Biblical Archaeology Review 19 (May-June 1993): 62-65.
Article in Journal or Book Susan Stanley, "New texts from Qumran," Archaeology 49.3 (May-June 1996): 21.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly John Starr, Classifying the Aramaic Texts from QumranJohn Starr, Classifying the Aramaic Texts from Qumran. A Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Features. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN: 9780567667830. pp.376. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book Hartmut Stegemann, "Qumran challenges for the next century," Dead Sea Scrolls. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, in collaboration with The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. pp.944-950.
Article in Journal or Book Joan E. Taylor, "Khirbet Qumran in the nineteenth century and the name of the site," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 134.2 (July-Dec. 2002): 144-164.
Article in Journal or Book John C. Trever, "The Cave 1 manuscripts and archaeology converge to reveal the Qumran story," Mogilany 1989: papers on the Dead Sea scrolls offered in memory of Jean Carmignac, part 1. Cracow: Enigma Press, 1993. pp.71-78.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Wise, "The Dead Sea Scrolls, pt. 1: archaeology and biblical manuscripts," Biblical Archaeologist 49.3 (Sept. 1986): 140-154.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Géza G. Xeravits, From Qumran to the SynagoguesGéza G. Xeravits, From Qumran to the Synagogues. Selected Studies on Ancient Judaism. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019. ISBN: 9783110614374. pp.306. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount for new subscriptions]
Article in Journal or Book Ada Yardeni, "Breaking the Missing Link : Cross and Eshel Misread the Qumran Ostracon Relating the Settlement to the Dead Sea Scrolls," Biblical Archaeology Review 24 (May-June 1998): 44-47.
Article in Journal or Book Ada Yardeni, "A Draft of a Deed on an Ostracon from Khirbet Qumran," Israel Exploration Journal 47.3-4 (1997): 233-237.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Yellin, Magen Broshi & Hanan Eshel, "Pottery of Qumran and Ein Ghuweir: the first chemical exploration of provenience," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 321 (Feb. 2001): 65-78.
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