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Article in Journal or Book Murray R. Adamthwaite, "Lab'aya's connection with Shechem reassessed," Abr-Nahrain 30 (1992): 1-19.
Article in Journal or Book Nigel Allan, "Jeroboam and Shechem," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 353-357.
Article in Journal or Book Bernhard W. Anderson, "The place of Shechem in the Bible," Biblical Archaeologist 20 (Feb. 1957): 10-19.
Article in Journal or Book Bernhard W. Anderson, "Drew-McCormick archaeological expedition," Drew Gateway 32 (Spring 1962): 127-134.
Article in Journal or Book Loring W. Batten, "A crisis in the history of Israel," Journal of Biblical Literature 49.1 (1930): 55-60.
Article in Journal or Book Robert G. Boling, "Bronze age buildings at the Shechem high place: ASOR excavations at Tananir," Biblical Archaeologist 32 (Dec. 1969): 82-103.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas Arthur Boogaart, "Stone for stone: retribution in the story of Abimelech and Shechem," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament no 32 (June 1985): 45-56.
On-line Resource Shechem (Robert I. Bradshaw)View in PDF format
On-line Resource Wayne A. Brindle, "The origin and history of the Samaritans," Grace Theological Journal 5.1 (Spring 1984): 47-75.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Brodsky, "Three capitals in the hills of Ephraim," Bible Review 5 (Feb. 1989): 38-44.
Article in Journal or Book Robert J. Bull, "Re-examination of the Shechem temple," Biblical Archaeologist 23 (Dec. 1960): 110-119.
Article in Journal or Book Robert J. Bull, "Excavation of the temples at Shechem," Drew Gateway 32 (Spring 1962): 156-165.
Article in Journal or Book Robert J. Bull, "Note on Theodotus' description of Shechem," Harvard Theological Review 60 (April 1967): 221-227.
Article in Journal or Book Edward F. Campbell, Jr., "Excavation at Shechem, 1960," Biblical Archaeologist 23 (Dec. 1960): 102-110.
Article in Journal or Book Edward F. Campbell, Jr. & George Ernest Wright, "Tribal league shrines in Amman and Shechem," Biblical Archaeologist 32 (Dec. 1969): 104-116.
Article in Journal or Book Edward F. Campbell, Jr., "Two Amarna notes: the Shechem city-state and Amarna administrative terminology," Magnalia Dei. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1976. pp.39-54.
Article in Journal or Book Mishael Maswari Caspi, "The story of the rape of Dinah: the narrator and the reader," Hebrew Studies 26.1 (1985): 25-45.
Article in Journal or Book Christa Clamer, "Burial cave near nablus (Tell Balata)," Israel Exploration Journal 27.1 (1977): 48.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald E. Clements, "Baal-Berith of Shechem," Journal of Semitic Studies 13 (Spring 1968): 21-32.
On-line Resource Lieut. Claude R. Conder [1848-1910], "Sychar and Sychem," Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 9.3 (July 1877): 149-150. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book B. Cobbey Crisler, "Acoustics and crowd capacity of natural theaters in Palestine," Biblical Archaeologist 39 (Dec. 1976): 128-141.
Article in Journal or Book William G. Dever, "Shechem (Balata)," Israel Exploration Journal 23.4 (1973): 243-245.
Article in Journal or Book William G. Dever, "MB IIC stratification in the northwest gate area at Shechem," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 216 (Dec. 1974): 31-52.
Article in Journal or Book Otto Eissfeldt, "Gilgal or Shechem," Proclamation and Presence. Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1970. pp.90-101.
Article in Journal or Book W.G. Fever, "Sichem," Revue Biblique 80 (Oct. 1973): 567-570.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen A. Geller, "The sack of Shechem: the use of typology in biblical covenant religion," Prooftexts 10 (Jan. 1990): 1-15.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley Gevirtz, "Jericho and Shechem: a religio-literary aspect of city destruction," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 52-62.
Article in Journal or Book Walter J. Harrelson, "Shechem in extra-biblical references," Biblical Archaeologist 20 (Feb. 1957): 2-10.
Article in Journal or Book Richard S. Hess, "Smitten ants bite back: rhetorical forms in the Amarna correspondence from Shechem," Verse in ancient Near Eastern Prose. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag / Kevelaer: Verlag Butzon & Bercker, 1993. pp.95-111.
Article in Journal or Book David Larrimore Holland, "Report from Shechem, 1966," McCormick Quarterly 20.1 (Nov. 1966): 45-50.
Article in Journal or Book A.M. Honeyman, "Salting of Schechem," Vetus Testamentum 3.2 (April 1953): 192-195.
On-line Resource Siegfried H. Horn & Lenel G. Moulds, "Pottery from Shechem excavated 1913 and 1914," Andrews University Seminary Studies 7.1 (Jan. 1969): 17-46.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Cameron Mackay, "Salem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 80 (July-Oct. 1948): 121-130.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman & Israel Finkelstein, "Shechem of the Amarna period and the rise of the Northern Kingdom of Israel," Israel Exploration Journal 55.2 (2005): 172-193.
Article in Journal or Book Eduard Nielsen, "The burial of the foreign gods," Studia theologica 8 (1954): 103-122.
Article in Journal or Book Hanoch Reviv, "The government of Shechem in the El-Amarna Period and in the days of Abimelech," Israel Exploration Journal 16.4 (1966): 252-257.
Article in Journal or Book Götz Schmitt, "El Berit--Mitra," Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 76.3 (1964): 325-327.
Article in Journal or Book Ovid Rogers Sellers, "Coins of the 1960 excavation at Shechem," Biblical Archaeologist 25 (Sept. 1962): 87-96.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Houston Smith, "Abram and Melchizedek (Gen 14:18-20)," Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 77.2 (1965): 129-153.
Article in Journal or Book J. Alberto Soggin, "The migdal temple, migdal Suekem Judg 9 and the artifact on Mount Ebal," "Wünschet Jerusalem Frieden" Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1988. pp.115-119.
On-line Resource Eugene D. Stockton, "Fortress temple of Shechem and Joshua's covenant," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.1 (1968): 24-28.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence E. Toombs, "Daily life in ancient Shechem," Drew Gateway 32 (Spring 1962): 166-172.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright, "Archaeological fills and strata," Biblical Archaeologist 25 (May 1962): 34-40.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright, "Shechem: the city and its excavation," Drew Gateway 32 (Spring 1962): 135-148.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright & Edward F. Campbell, Jr., "Sichem," Revue Biblique 72 (July 1965): 415-420.
Article in Journal or Book George Ernest Wright, "Shechem," Archaeology and Old Testament study; jubilee volume of the Society for Old Testament Study. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. pp.355-370.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Architectural recording of the Shechem excavation," Biblical Archaeologist 23 (Dec. 1960): 120-126.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Fluted columns in the Bronze age temple of Baal-Berith at Shechem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 97 (Jan.-June 1965): 66-84.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Sichem," Revue Biblique 72 (July 1965): 420-422.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Temples at Shechem," Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 80.1 (1968): 1-35.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Another fluted column fragment from Bronze age Shechem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 101 (Jan.-June 1969): 34-36.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Mythology of pre-Israelite Shechem," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 75-82.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "The granary at Shechem and the underlying storage pits," Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 82.2 (1970): 275-278.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Shechem and league shrines," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 572-603.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Joseph's grave under the tree by the omphalos at Shechem," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 476-486.
Article in Journal or Book G.R.H. Wright, "Temples at Shechem: a detail," Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 87.1 (1975): 56-64.
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