Tell Mardikh (Ebla)

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Article in Journal or Book Robert Althann, "The impact of Ebla on biblical studies," Religion in Southern Africa 2.1 (Jan. 1981): 39-47.
Article in Journal or Book Anonymous, "Ebla scholarship á la Syrienne: BAR reports on Damascus symposium," Biblical Archaeology Review 8.1 (1982): 54.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "The epigraphic evidence from Ebla and the Old Testament," Biblica 60.4 (1979): 556-566.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Further concerning Ebla and the Bible," Biblical Archaeologist 44 (Summer 1981): 145-154.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Are "the cities of the plain" mentioned in the Ebla tablets: cities identified by Pettinato are nowhere near the Dead Sea," Biblical Archaeology Review 7.6 (1981): 54-55.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "The "names and professions list": more fragments from Ebla," Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 78.2 (1984): 171-174.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Mardu in the Ebla tablets," Orientalia ns 54.1-2 (1985): 7-13. Aage Westenholz, "An essay on the Sumerian "lexical" texts of the 3d millennium," Orientalia ns 54.1-2 (1985): 294-298.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "The archives of Ebla," Cuneiform archives and libraries. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1986. pp.72-86.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "More on Ebla and Kish," Eblaitica. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1987. pp.125-140.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Position of the tablets of Ebla," Orientalia ns 57.1 (1988): 67-69.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Harran in the III millennium BC," Ugarit-Forschungen 20 (1988): 1-8.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Transmission of the Mesopotamian lexical and literary texts," Literature and literary language at Ebla. Florence: Dipartimento di linguistica, Université di Firenze, 1992. pp.1-40.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "How a pantheon forms: the cases of Hattian-Hittite Anatolia and Ebla of the 3rd millennium BC," Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem Alten Testament. Fribourg, Switzerland: Universitõtsverlag Freiburg Schweiz; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993. pp.1-18.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Studies in the Pantheon of Ebla," Orientalia ns 63.3 (1994): 249-256.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Udua (LAK-777) and Uzu (LAK-350) in the Ebla texts," Cinquante-deux reflexions sur le Proche-Orient ancien. Louvain: Peeters, 1994. pp.321-327.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Salas consort of Dagan and Kumarbi," Studio historiae ardens. Istanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, 1995. pp.1-6.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Two heads for the king of Ebla," Boundaries of the ancient Near Eastern world. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. pp.386-396.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "The high priestess, dam-dinger, at Ebla," "Und Mose schrieb dieses Lied auf" Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998. pp.43-53.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "Clothes in Ebla," Michael. Jaffa: Archaeological Center Publications, 1999. pp.45-54.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "SES-II-IB: a religious confraternity." Eblaitica V 4,. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002. pp.23-55.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi, "The head of Kura--the head of Adabal," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64.2 (April 2005): 81-100.
Article in Journal or Book Alfonso Archi & Maria Giovanna Biga, "A victory over Mari and the fall of Ebla," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 55 (2003): 1-44. Pelio Fronzaroli, "The hail incantation (ARET 5, 4)," Festschrift für Burkhart Kienast. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2003. pp.89-107.
Article in Journal or Book Pinhas Artzi, "In search of just retribution in law: new data from ancient Near Eastern sources," Occident and Orient. Budapest: AkadÚmiai Kiadó; Leiden: Brill, 1988 pp.13-20.
Article in Journal or Book Pinhas Artzi, "Ebla and us," Michael. Jaffa: Archaeological Center Publications, 1999. pp.55-67.
Article in Journal or Book E. Ascalone & Luca Peyronel, "Two weights from temple N at Tell Mardikh-Ebla, Syria: a link between metrology and cultic activities in the second millennium BC?" Journal of Cuneiform Studies 53 (2001): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Maria Giovanna Biga (Silvano Votto, Translator), "The reconstruction of a relative chronology for the Ebla texts," Orientalia ns 72.4 (2003): 345-367.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Biggs, "The Ebla tablets: an interim perspective," Biblical Archaeologist 43 (Spring 1980): 76-87.
Article in Journal or Book Giorgio Buccellati, "Ebla and the Amorites," Eblaitica. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992. pp.83-104.
Article in Journal or Book Ross Buckman, "A major new discovery in Canaan: royal Ebla," St Mark's Review no 98 (June 1979): 49-55.
Article in Journal or Book Miguel Civil, "Studies on Early Dynastic lexicography III," Orientalia ns 56.3 (1987): 233-244.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Ebla, Ugarit and the Old Testament," Congress volume. Leiden: Brill, 1978. pp.81-112.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Ebla, Genesis and John," Christian Century 98 (April 15 1981): 418-421.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Eblaite ì-du and Hebrew 'ed, "rain cloud"," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43 (Oct. 1981): 534-538.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "The god Ya at Ebla," Journal of Biblical Literature 100 (Dec. 1981): 607-608.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Ebla, Ugarit and Phoenician religion," Religione fenicia. Rome: Consiglio Nationale delle Ricerche, 1981. pp.45-57.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Eblaite and Biblical Hebrew," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44 (Jan. 1982): 1-24.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "The temple and other sacred places in the Ebla Tablets," Temple in Antiquity. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1984. pp.77-89.
On-line Resource John J. Davis, "Genesis: Archaeology - unraveling the truth about the patriarchs," Fundamentalist Journal 5.4 (April 1986): 18-19.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Real story of the Ebla Tablets: Ebla and the cities of the plain," Biblical Archaeologist 41 (Dec. 1978): 143-164.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "'Epigraphic evidence from Ebla': A correction," Biblica 62.1 (1981): 103.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Freedman replies to Pettinato on Ebla checking," Biblical Archaeology Review 7.2 (Mar.-April 1981): 19-20.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Ebla and the Old Testament," Studies in the period of David and Solomon and other essays Int'l Symposium for Biblical Studies, Tokyo, 1979. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1982. pp.309-335.
Article in Journal or Book Pelio Fronzaroli, "West Semitic toponymy in northern Syria in the third millennium BC," Journal of Semitic Studies 22 (Autumn 1977): 145-166.
Article in Journal or Book Pelio Fronzaroli, "The concord in gender in Eblaite theophoric personal names," Ugarit-Forschungen 11 (1980): 275-281.
Article in Journal or Book Pelio Fronzaroli, "The ritual texts of Ebla," Literature and literary language at Ebla. Florence: Dipartimento di linguistica, Université di Firenze, 1992. pp.163-185.
Article in Journal or Book Markham J. Geller, "The lugal of Mari at Ebla and the Sumerian king list," Eblaitica. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1987. pp.141-145.
Article in Journal or Book William W. Hallo, "The Syrian contribution to cuneiform literature," New horizons in the study of ancient Syria. Malibu: Undena, 1992. pp.69-88.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "Ebla and Genesis 11," Spectrum of Thought. Wilmore, KY: Francis Asbury Publishing Co, 1982. pp.125-134.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "Hby, possessor of horns and tail," Ugarit-Forschungen 18 (1986): 129-132.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "Ebla as background for the Old Testament," Congress volume. Leiden : E J Brill, 1988. pp.293-297.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "The geographical horizons of Ebla," New horizons in the study of ancient Syria. Malibu: Undena, 1992. pp.63-68.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon & Gary A. Rendsburg & Nathan H. Winter, eds., Eblaitica: essays on the Ebla archives and Eblaite language, vol 1. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1987. pp.145.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "The Ebla Incantations and Their Affinities with Northwest Semitic Magic," Maarav 7 (1991): 117-129.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "The Ebla exorcisms," Eblaitica. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992. pp.127-137.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon & Gary A. Rendsburg, eds., Eblaitica: essays on the Ebla archives and Eblaite language, vol 3. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992. pp.ix + 158.
Article in Journal or Book Cyrus Herzl Gordon & Gary A. Rendsburg, eds., "Eblaitica: essays on the Ebla archives and Eblaite language, V 4," Publications of the Center for Ebla Research at New York University. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002. pp.xvi + 269.
On-line Resource Roland K. Harrison, "The Ancient Kingdom of Ebla," Faith and Thought 104.1 (1977): 45-48.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Willem C. van Hattem, "Once again: Sodom and Gomorrah," Biblical Archaeologist 44 (Spring 1981): 87-92.
Article in Journal or Book John F. Healey, "Keeping up with recent studies, 8: Ebla: ancient city of Syria," Expository Times 91 (Aug. 1980): 324-328.
Article in Journal or Book John F. Healey, "The immortality of the king: Ugarit and the Psalms," Orientalia ns 53.2 (1984): 245-254.
Article in Journal or Book Karola Kautz, "On chronology," Biblical Archaeologist 44 (Winter 1981): 5-6. Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "The first Ebla congress," Biblical Archaeologist 44 (Winter 1981): 63.
Article in Journal or Book J. Kilian, "Ebla: an empire inscribed in clay," Theologia Evangelica 17.2 (June 1984): 26-32.
Article in Journal or Book Joachim Krecher, "UD.GAL.NUN versus "normal" Sumerian : two literatures or one?" Literature and literary language at Ebla. Florence: Dipartimento di linguistica, Università di Firenze, 1992. pp.285-303.
Article in Journal or Book Joachim Krecher, "The Ebla tablets and their possible significance for biblical studies," Biblical Archaeology Ttoday, 1990. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993. pp.498-507.
Article in Journal or Book William Sanford La Sor, "Major archaeological discoveries at Tell Mardikh," Christianity Today 20 (Sept. 24 1976): 49.
On-line Resource William Sanford La Sor, "Further information about Tell Mardikh," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 19.4 (Fall 1976): 265-270. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book William Sanford La Sor, "Tell Mardikh - the latest archeological "greatest"," Theology News & Notes 23 (Dec. 1976): 19-23.
Article in Journal or Book Wilfred G. Lambert, "Notes on a work of the most ancient Semitic literature," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 41 (Spring 1989): 1-33.
Article in Journal or Book Dennis J. McCarthy, "Ebla, horchia temnein, tb, slm: addenda to Treaty and covenant," Biblica 60.2 (1979): 247-253.
Article in Journal or Book Pietro Mander, "Sumerian personal names in Ebla," Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (July-Sept. 1988): 481-483.
Article in Journal or Book Nicolò Marchetti & Lorenzo Nigro, "Cultic Activities in the Sacred Area of Ishtar at Ebla During the Old Syrian Period: The Favissae F.5327 and F.5238," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 49 (1997): 1-44.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "Ebla in the late early Syrian period : the royal palace and the state archives," Biblical Archaeologist 39 (Sept. 1976): 94-113.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "Some fragments of early Syrian sculpture from royal palace G of Tell Mardikh-Ebla," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 39.4 (1980): 249-273.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "Princely cemetery and ancestors cult at Ebla during middle Bronze II: a proposal of interpretation," Ugarit-Forschungen 11 (1980): 563-569.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "The Ebla debate / by Matthiae, Paolo...[et al.]," Biblical Archaeologist 44 (Summer 1981): 137.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "New discoveries at Ebla: the excavation of the western palace and the royal necropolis of the Amorite period," Biblical Archaeologist 47 (March 1984): 18-32.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "The archives of the Royal Palace G of Ebla: distribution and arrangement of the tablets according to the archaeological evidence," Cuneiform archives and libraries. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1986. pp.53-71.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "Old Syrian ancestors of some Neo-Assyrian figurative symbols of kingship," Archaeologia Iranica et Orientalis. Ghent: Peeters, 1989. pp.367-391.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "A class of Old Syrian bronze statuettes and the sanctuary B2 at Ebla," Resurrecting the Past. Istanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, 1990. pp.345-362.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "A stele fragment of Hadad from Ebla," Aspects of Art and Iconography. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1993. pp.389-397.
Article in Journal or Book Paolo Matthiae, "The lions of the Great Goddess of Ebla: a hypothesis about some archaic Old Syrian cylinders," Cinquante-deux reflexions sur le Proche-Orient ancien. Louvain: Peeters, 1994. pp.329-338.
Article in Journal or Book Stefania Mazzoni, "Elements of the ceramic culture of Early Syrian Ebla in comparison with Syro-Palestinian EB IV," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 257 (Winter 1985): 1-18.
Article in Journal or Book Stefania Mazzoni, "Observations about Iron Age glyptics from Tell Afis and Tell Mardikh," Resurrecting the past. Istanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, 1990. pp.215-226.
Article in Journal or Book Stefania Mazzoni, "Ebla: crafts and power in an emergent state of the third millennium BC Syria," Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 16.2 (Dec. 2003): 173-191.
On-line Resource Eugene H. Merrill, "Ebla and biblical historical inerrancy," Bibliotheca Sacra 140 (Oct.-Dec. 1983): 302-321. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Piotr Michalowski, "Third millennium contacts: observations on the relationships between Mari and Ebla," Journal of the American Oriental Society 105.2 (April-June 1985): 293-302.
Article in Journal or Book Piotr Michalowski, "Mari: the view from Ebla," Mari in Retrospect. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992. pp.243-248.
Article in Journal or Book Lucio Milano, "Ebla: a third-millennium city-state in ancient Syria," Civilizations of the ancient Near East, vol 2. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995. pp.1219-1230.
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "Ebla and the Bible: what's left (if anything)?" Bible Review 8 (April 1992): 18-31, 60, 62.
Article in Journal or Book James D. Muhly, "Ur and Jerusalem not mentioned in Ebla tablets, say Ebla expedition scholars," Biblical Archaeology Review 9.6 (Nov.-Dec. 1983): 74-75.
Article in Journal or Book L.M. Muntingh, "Second thoughts on Ebla and the Old Testament," Text and Context. Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1988. pp.157-175.
Article in Journal or Book Anne C. Ogilvy, "Interview: Paolo Matthiae and Gabriela Matthiae Scandone," Biblical Archaeologist 39 (Sept. 1976): 90-93.
Article in Journal or Book Frances Pinnock, "The urban landscape of old Syrian Ebla," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 53 (2001): 13-33.
Article in Journal or Book Francesco Pomponio, "Notes on the lexical texts from Abu Salabikh and Ebla," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 42.4 (Oct. 1983): 285-290.
Article in Journal or Book Francesco Pomponio, "The Transfer of Decorative Objects and the Reading of the Sign DU in the Ebla Documentation," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 57 (Jan. 1998): 29-39.
Article in Journal or Book Giovanni Pettinato, "Royal archives of Tell Mardikh-Ebla," Biblical Archaeologist 39 (May 1976): 44-52.
Article in Journal or Book Giovanni Pettinato, "Ebla and the Bible," Biblical Archaeologist 43 (Fall 1980): 203-216.
Article in Journal or Book Wayne T. Pitard, "The meaning of EN at Ebla," Crossing boundaries and linking horizons. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 1997. pp.399-416.
Article in Journal or Book Wayne T. Pitard, "Tombs and offerings: archaeological data and comparative methodology in the study of death in Israel," Sacred time, sacred place. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002. pp.145-167.
Article in Journal or Book J.J.M. Roberts, "The ancient Near Eastern environment," Hebrew Bible and its Modern Interpreters. Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press, 1985. pp.75-121.
Article in Journal or Book K.S.B. Ryholt, "Hotepibre, a Supposed Asiatic King in Egypt with Relations to Ebla," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research no 311 (Aug. 1998): 1-6.
Article in Journal or Book R. Thomas Schaub, "Revolutionary discoveries at Tell Mardikh," Thesis Theological Cassettes 8.5 (June 1977).
Article in Journal or Book Brian B. Schmidt, "A re-evaluation of the Ugaritic king list (KTU 1:113)," Ugarit, Religion and Culture. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1996. pp.289-304.
On-line Resource William H. Shea, "The Calendars of Ebla, pt 1: the old calendar," Andrews University Seminary Studies 18.2 (Autumn 1980): 127-137.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource William H. Shea, "The calendars of Ebla, pt 2: the new calendar." Andrews University Seminary Studies 19.1 (Spring 1981): 59-69.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource William H. Shea, "The Calendars of Ebla pt 3: Conclusion," Andrews University Seminary Studies 19.2 (Summer 1981): 115-126.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Clyde C. Smith, "Birth of bureaucracy," Biblical Archaeologist 40 (March 1977): 24-28.
Article in Journal or Book Piotr Steinkeller, "Observations on the Sumerian personal names in Ebla sources and on the onomasticon of Mari and Kish," Tablet and the Scroll. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 1993. pp.236-245.
Article in Journal or Book K. Arvid Tängberg, "Eblaite: an introduction to the state of research on the cuneiform tablets of Ebla," SJOT 2 (1987): 111-120.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo Viganò, "Literary sources for the history of Palestine and Syria : the Ebla tablets," Biblical Archaeologist 47 (March 1984): 6-16.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo Viganò, "Judges at Ebla," Liber annuus 41 (1991): 303-310. Cyrus Herzl Gordon, "New directions in the study of ancient Middle Eastern cultures," Near Eastern studies dedicated to H I H Prince Takahito Mikasa on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991. pp.53-65.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo Viganò, "Mari and Ebla: of time and rulers," Liber annuus 44 (1994): 351-373.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo Viganò, "Rituals at Ebla," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 54 (July 1995): 215-222.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo Viganò, "The use of the Sumerian word níg-ba, "gift" in the Ebla administrative reports," Liber annuus 45 (1995): 203-215.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo Viganò, "Rituals at Ebla II, ì-gis sag: A Purification Ritual or Anointing of the Head?" Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59.1 (Jan. 2000): 13-22.
Article in Journal or Book Saul N. Vitkus, "Sargon unseated," Biblical Archaeologist 39 (Sept. 1976): 114-117.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Wifall, "Preliminary report on Ebla," Biblical Theology Bulletin 7 (April 1977): 89-91.
Article in Journal or Book Edwin M. Yamauchi, "Unearthing Ebla's ancient secrets," Christianity Today 25 (May 8 1981): 18-21.
Article in Journal or Book Ida Zatelli, "The Origin of the Biblical Scapegoat Ritual: The Evidence of the Two Eblaite Texts," Vetus Testamentum 48.2 (April 1998): 254-263.
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