Ugarit (Ras Shamra)

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Book or monograph Michael C. Astour, "Ugarit and the Great Powers." G. D. Young, ed. Ugarit in Retrospect: Fifty Years of Ugarit and Ugaritic. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1981. Hbk. ISBN: 0931464072. pp.3-29.
On-line Resource Kenneth L. Barker, "Value of Ugaritic for Old Testament studies," Bibliotheca Sacra 133 (April-June 1976): 119-129. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Annie Caubet, "Ugarit at the Louvre Museum," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.4 (2000): 216-219.
On-line Resource Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "The Poetry of Ugarit and Israel," Tyndale Bulletin 22 (1971): 3-31. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Peter C. Craigie, "Deuteronomy and Ugaritic Studies," Tyndale Bulletin 27 (1976): 155-169.
Book or monograph Peter C. Craigie, Ugarit and the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0802819281. pp.117. A very readable treatment of a significant archaeological site.
Article in Journal or Book Peter C. Craigie, "The Tablets from Ugarit and Their Importance for Biblical Studies," Biblical Archaeology Review 9 (1983): 62-73.
On-line Resource Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "Ugarit, Canaan, and Israel," Tyndale Bulletin 34 (1983): 145-167. View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Curtis: Ugarit: Cities of the Biblical WorldAdrian Curtis, "Ugarit (Ras Shamra)," Cities of the Biblical World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / Lutterworth Press, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0718824571. pp.128.
Article in Journal or Book M. Dahood, "Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography I-XII," Biblica 44 (1963) to 55 (1974).
Article in Journal or Book M. Dahood, "Ugaritic-Phoenecian Forms in Job 34:36," Biblica 62 (1981): 548-50.
Book or monograph Ugaritic-Hebrew Philology. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1965.
Book or monograph The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 2, Part 1Margaret S. Drower, "Syria c. 1550-1400 B.C." I. E. S. Edwards et al, eds. The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 2, Part 1: History of the Middle East and the Aegean Region c. 1800-1380 B.C., 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University, Press, 1973. Hbk. ISBN: 0521082307. pp.417-525.
On-line Resource John A. Emerton, "Difficult part of Mot's message to Baal in the Ugaritic texts," Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.5 (1972): 50-71. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph Loren R. Fisher, ed. Ras Shamra parallels: the texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible, 3 Vols. Analecta orientalia: commentationes scientificae de rebus orientis antiqui 49, 50 & 51. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1072-1975.
Book or monograph John Gray, The Legacy of Canaan: The Ras Shamra Texts and Their Relevance to the Old Testament, Rev. ed. Vetus Testamentum Supplements 5. Leiden: Brill, 1965.
Book or monograph C.H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook: Grammar, Texts in Transliteration with Cuneifom Selection. Analecta Orientalia 38. Rome: Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 1999. Pbk. ISBN: 8876532382.
Article in Journal or Book M.S. Heiser, "The Mythological Provenance of Isa. XIV 12-15: A Reconsideration of the Ugaritic Material," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 354-369.
Article in Journal or Book A. Jeffers, “Divination by Dreams in Ugaritic Literature and in the Old Testament,” Irish Biblical Studies 12.4 (1990): 167-183.
Article in Journal or Book Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The King List of Ugarit." Ugarit - Forschungen 9 (1977) 131-42.
Book or monograph Gregorio Del Olmo Lete, Canaanite Religion: According to the Liturgical Texts of Ugarit. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Pbk. ISBN: 1575060892. pp.397.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch A. Levine, "The Descriptive Ritual Texts from Ugarit: Some Formal and Functional Features of the Genre," Carol L. Meyers & M. O'Connor, eds, Word of the Lord Shall Go Forth: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His Sixtieth Birthday. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 0931464196. pp.467-475.
Book or monograph Theodore J. Lewis, Cults of the Dead in Ancient Israel and Ugarit. Harvard Semitic Monographs, 39. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1989. Hbk. ISBN: 1555403255.
Article in Journal or Book Florence Malbran-Labat, "Commerce at Ugarit," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.4 (2000): 195.
Book or monograph Johannes C. de Moor, ed., Intertextuality in Ugarit and Israel: Papers Read at the Tenth Joint Meeting of The Society for Old Testament Study and Het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland En Belgie, Held at Oxford, 1997. Oudtestamentische Studien, No. 40. Leiden: Brill, 1998. Hbk. ISBN: 9004111549. pp.232.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.L. Olivier, "Notes on the Ugaritic Moth Names," Journal of North West Semitic Languages 1 (1971): 39-45.
Book or monograph Dennis Pardee, Ritual and Cult at Ugarit. Writings from the Ancient World, 10. Leiden: Brill, 2002. Hbk. ISBN: 9004126570. pp.320.
Article in Journal or Book Simon B. Parker, "Ugaritic Literature and the Bible," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.4 (2000): 228-231.
On-line Resource Marvin H. Pope, "A Divine Banquet at Ugarit," James M. Efird, editor, The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays: Studies in Honor of William Franklin Stinespring. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1972. ISBN: 0822302888. pp.170-203.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Anson F. Rainey, "The Kingdom of Ugarit." Biblical Archaeologist 38 (1965) 102-25. [Reprinted in: Biblical Archaeologist Reader 3. E.F. Campbell Jr. and D. N. Freedman, eds. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970. pp.76-99.]
On-line Resource M.E.J. Richardson, "Ugaritic Spelling Errors," Tyndale Bulletin 24 (1973): 3-20. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Carole Roche, "The Lady of Ugarit," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.4 (2000): 214-215.
Article in Journal or Book Seth L. Sanders, "Performative Utterances and Divine Language in Ugaritic," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66.3 (July 2004).
Article in Journal or Book Daniel Sivan & Shamir Yona, "Pivot Words or Expressions in Biblical Hebrew and in Ugaritic Poetry," Vetus Testamentum 48.3 (1998): 399-407.
Book or monograph Smith: The Origins of Biblical MonotheismMark S. Smith, The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts. New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2001. Hbk. ISBN: 019513480X. pp.344.
Book or monograph Smith: Untold StoriesMark S. Smith, Untold Stories: The Bible and Ugaritic Studies in the Twentieth Century. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2001. Hbk. ISBN: 1565635752. pp.272.
Book or monograph Daniel Sivan, A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language: Second Impression with Corrections. Handbook of Oriental Studies: Part 1 Ancient Near East. Leiden: Brill, 2002. Hbk. ISBN: 9004122931. pp.330.
Article in Journal or Book W. H. Van Soldt, "Ugarit: A Second-Millenium Kingdom on the Mediterranean Coast." Jack M. Sasson, ed. Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 2. New York: Scribners, 1995. pp.1255-66.
Article in Journal or Book Hayim Tadmor, "The Decline of Empires in Western Asia ca. 1200 B.C.E." F. M. Cross, ed. Symposia Celebrating the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1979. pp.1-14.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence E. Toombs, "Baal, Lord of the Earth: The Ugaritic Baal Epic," Carol L. Meyers & M. O'Connor, eds, Word of the Lord Shall Go Forth: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His Sixtieth Birthday. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 0931464196. pp.613-623.
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, "The Father of Ugaritic Studies," Biblical Archaeologist 59.1 (1996): 44-50.
On-line Resource David Toshio Tsumura, "Ugaritic Poetry and Habakkuk 3," Tyndale Bulletin 40.1 (1989): 24-48. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, "'Mispellings' in Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit: Some Cases of Loss or Addition of Signs," Piotr Bienkowski, Christopher Mee & Elizabeth Slater, eds., Writing and Ancient Near Eastern Society. Library of Hebrew Old Testament Studies 426. London & New York: T & T Clark, 2005. Hbk. ISBN: 0567026914. pp.143-154.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Tuttle, "The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts," Gary A. Tuttle, ed., Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of William Sanford LaSor. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978. Hbk. ISBN: 0802835007. pp.253-268.
Book or monograph Wilfred G.E. Watson & Nicolas Wyatt, eds., Handbook of Ugaritic Studies. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Leiden: Brill, 1999. Hbk. ISBN: 9004109889. pp.850.
Book or monograph Nicholas Wyatt, Religious Texts from Ugarit: The Words of Ilimilku and His Colleagues. The Biblical Seminar Series, 53. London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 0826460488. pp.504.
Article in Journal or Book Marguerite Yon, "Ugarit: History and Archaeology," (trans. S. Rosoff). David Noel Freedman, ed. Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 6. New York: Doubleday, 1992. pp.695-706.
Article in Journal or Book Marguerite Yon, "A Trading City: Ugarit and the West," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.4 (2000): 192-193.
Article in Journal or Book Marguerite Yon, "Ugarit: 6000 Years of History," Near Eastern Archaeology 63.4 (2000): 186-189.
Book or monograph Yon: City of Ugarit at Tell Ras ShamraMarguerite Yon, City of Ugarit at Tell Ras Shamra. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2001. Hbk. ISBN: 1575060299.
Book or monograph Gordon,Young, Ugarit in Retrospect: 50 Years of Ugarit & Ugaritic. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989. Hbk. ISBN: 0931464072. pp.238.
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