Chaldea: From the Earlist Times to the Rise of Assyria (Treated as a general study to the study of ancient history)
Zénaide Alexeievna Ragozin [1835-1924]

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Book Description

Chaldea: From the Earlist Times to the Rise of Assyria (Treated as a general study to the study of ancient history)
Publication Year:
G P Putnam's Sons
Babylonia, Archaeology, Ancient Near East
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Zénaide Alexeievna Ragozin [1835-1924], Chaldea: From the Earlist Times to the Rise of Assyria

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    1. Mesopotamia—The Mounds—The First Searches
    2. Layard and His Work
    3. The Ruins
    4. The Book of the Past—The Library of Nineveh
  • Chaldea
    1. Nomads and Settlers—The Four Stages of Culture
    2. The Great Races—CHapter X of Genesis
    3. Turanian Chaldea—Shumir and Accad—The Beginnings of Religion
    4. Cushites nad Semites—Early Chaldean History
    5. Babylonian Religion
    6. Legends and Stories
    7. Myths—Heroes and the Mythical Epos
    8. Religion and Myhtology—Idolatry and Anthropomorphisms—THe Chaldean Legends and the Book of Genesis—Retrospect
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