Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt
William Cooke Taylor [1800-1849]

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Book Description

Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt
Publication Year:
Charles Tilt
Egypt, Bible, Archaeology, Ancient Near East
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Land and People of Egypt
  • Political Constitution
  • Egyptian Agriculture
  • Horticulture and Vintage
  • Hunting, Fowling, and Fishing
  • Spinning and Pottery
  • Glass-blowing and Manufacture of Jewellery
  • Working in Metals
  • Tanning and Working in Leather
  • Capentry and Cabinet-making
  • Architecture and Colossal Sanctuary
  • Ship-building Navigation
  • Military Affairs. War-chariots and Cavalry
    • Weapons, Armour, etc.
    • Attack and Defence of Fortified Places
  • Musical Intruments, etc.
  • Private Life. Domestic Accommodations
    • Sickness and Death
  • History of Eqypt
  • Conclusion
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