Austin Henry Layard [1817–1894],
Nineveh and its Remains, abridged.
London: John Murray, 1867. Hbk. pp.384.

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Table of Contents

Chapter I

First journey in Assyria - Its ruins - Kouyunjik, Nimroud, and Kalah Sherghat - M. Botta's discoveries - Khorsabad - Return to Mosul

Chapter II

Mohammed Pasha - His cruelties - The state of the country - Start for Nimroud - An Arab family - Commence excavations - Discovery of a cltamber - of inscriptions - of ivory ornaments - Return to Mosul - Conduct of the Pasha - Excavations commenced amongst various ruins - Return to Nimroud - Further discoveries - Selamiyah - Discovery of sculptures - Description of bas-reliefs - lnterrupted by tlte Pasha - Further discovery of sculptures - Deposition of the Pasha - Departure for Baghdad

Chapter III

Return to Mosul - lsmail Pasha - Change in the state of the country - Return to Nimroud  -  The ruins in spring - Excavations resumed - Furtlter discoveries - New interruptions - Sheikh Abd-ur-rahman and the Abou-Salman Arabs - Fresh bas-reliefs in the north-west corner - Discovery of the principal palace - Entire bas-reliefs - Discovery of the colossal lions - Surprise of the Arabs - Sensation at Mosul, and conduct of the Pasha and Cadi - Excavations stopped -  Further discoveries  -  Description of the human headed lions - Reflections on their antiquity and object - The Jebour Arabs - Their Sheikhs - Nimroud in March - Description of the plain at sunset - The tunnel of Negoub - An Assyrian inscription

Chapter IV

Preparation for a journey to Al Hather -  Gathering of the caravan - Leave Mosul - The desert - Flocks of camels - The Haddedeen Arabs - An Arab repast - An encampment - An Arab tribe moving - The tents of Sofuk - Description of the Shammar Sheikh - His history - Sofuk's harem and wives - His mare - Ride to Al Hather - Arab guides - The ruins of Al Hather - Return to Mosul - Murder of Nejris, and of Sofuk

Chapter V

Discovery of small objects - Pavement of the chambers - An Arab feast - Arrival of Tahyar Pasha - Excavations continued - The summer at Nimroud - A whirlwind - Further discoveries of bas-re!iefs - Description of the sculptures - Painted plaster - Receipt of vizzirial letter  - Excavations at Kouyunjik - Fresh discoveries at Nimroud - Surprise of the Arabs - First collection of sculptures sent to England - Visit from Tahyar Pasha - Speculations of the Turks on the sculptures - Remove to Mosul - Discovery of a building in a mound near Kouyunjik - New chambers opened at Nimroud

Chapter VI

Departure for the Tiyari mountains -  Khorsabad - Sheikh Adi - A Kurdish encampment - A Chaldaean vi!!age - Amadiyah - A Turkish governor - Albanian irregulars - An Albanian chief - The Valley of Berwari - Chaldaean villages - A Kurdish Bey - Asheetha

Chapter VII

Asheetha - A Nestorian house - The massacre - Zaweetha - Nestorian priests - Murghi - Lizan - Scene of the massacre - A Tiyari bridge - Raola - The house of the Melek - The district of Tkhoma - Alarm of the inhabitants - Churc!i service - Tkhoma Gowaia  - A Kurdish chief - Pass into Baz - Ergub - Return to Tkhoma - Be-Alatha - Roads of Tiyari - Chonba - Murder of Melek Ismail - Return to Asheetha - Kasha Auraham - A copper mine Challek - Ourmeli - A Subashi - A Kurdish saint - Malthayiah - Sculptures - Alkosh  -  Tomb of the prophet Nahum -   Rabhan Hormuzd  - Telkef and its Christian inhabitants  - Return to Mosul - Second massacre in the Nestorian mountains - Capture and exile of Beder Khan Bey

Chapter VIII

Invitation to the feast of the Yezidis - Daparture from Mosul - Baadri - Hussein Bey, the Yezidi chief - The birth of his son - History of the Yezidis - Ride to the tomb of Sheikh Adi - Sheikh Nasr - Description of the tomb - Arrival of Pilgrims - An incident - Sheikh Shems, or the Sun - Votive lamps - Celebration of rites - Yezidi music - The doctrines and religious observances of the sect - The Evil principle -  The probable origin of their rites - Their orders of priesthood - Their language and books - Return to Mosul - Departure for the Sinjar - Abou Mlaria - Tel Afer - Mirkan - Escape of the Yezidis - The village of Sinjar - Wild asses

Chapter IX

Excavations undertaken by the British Miuseum - Choice of workmen - .Dwelling-houses built at Nimroud - Discovery of bas-reliefs - Of armour and helmets - Of vases - Of new chambers - Of the obelisk  -  Discoveries in the south-west corner of the Nimroud  - Winged lions -  Crouching sphinxes - Discovery of tombs in the south-east corner of the mound - Arab workmen - Mode of irrigation - Customs of the Arabs - Facility of divorce -  Arab women - The Tiyari or Chaldaeans - A raft plundered - Seizure of an Arab Sheikh - Departure of sculptures for Busrah

Chapter X

Death of Talzyar Pasha - Discoveries in tlte north-west palace - Ivory ornaments and cartouches with hieroglyphics - Painted chambers - Pottery - Discovery of upper chambers - Paintings on the walls - Pavement slabs - Discoveries in the centre of the mound - Tombs containing vases and ornaments - Sculptures - Further discoveries in the south-west edifice - Sculptures - Discovery of more tombs in the south-east corner - Of chambers beneath them - Of a vaulted room

Chapter XI

Excavations at Kalah Sherghat - Drparture for the ruins - The bitumen Pits - Abd'rubbou - My reception - Discovery' of a sitting figure - :Arab encampment - Arab life - Excavations in the mound - Discovery of tombs - Return to Nimroud

Chapter XII

Artificial irrigation of Assyria - Want of rain - Preparations for the removal of a winged bull and lion - The cart - Lowering the winged bull - Its removal from the ruins - Excitement of the Arabs - Removal of the lion - Rafts for the transport of the sculptures to Busrah - Embarkation of the lion and bull - General description of the ruins

Chapter XIII

Departure for Nimroud - Excavations at Kouyunjik - Discovery of a palace - Bas-reliefs - General description of the sculptures - Excavations carried on by Mr. Ross - His discoveries - A sculptured slab and sarcophagus - Preparations for my return to Constantinople - Leave Mosul

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Illustrations from pages 22 - 67 {Click to open}

Plan I : South-West Ruin, Nimroud [p.22]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.22

Assyrian Warriors in Chariot, from a a Bas-relief discovered at Nimroud [p.27]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.27

Winged Figure (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.44]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.44

Sacred Tree (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.45]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.45

Various Relief Ornamentations [p.46]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.46

Eagle-Headed Figure (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.47]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.47

Discovery of the Gigantic Head [p.49]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.49

An Entrance to the Great Hall of the North-west Palace [p.52]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.52

Human-headed Lion (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.53]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.53

The Canal of Negoub and Map of Country around Nimroud [p.58]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.58

Arab Tents [p.67]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.67

Illustrations from pages 87 - 113 {Click to open}

Handles of three Daggers carried in the Girdle (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.87]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.87

Winged human-headed Bull (N.W. Palace Nimroud) [p.88]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.88

Bronze Lion / Egyptian weighing Rings of Metal with Weights in the fomr of a seated Lion [p.90]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.90

Batterting Ram with Movable Tower containing Warriors (N.W. Palace Nimroud) [p.92]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.92

Sacred Emblems suspended round the neck of the King (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.98]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.98

Ornament on the Dress of Eunuchs / Ornament on the Robe of King [p.100]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.100

Ornament on the Robe of Winged Figures [p.101]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.101

Head-Dress of the King / The King's Sandal / The King's Footstool (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.102]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.102

End of a Sword Sheath / The King's Throne (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.103]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.103

Altar or Tripod (from Khorabad) [p.113]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.113



Illustrations from pages 114 - 233 {Click to open}

Summer Sleeping-place in the Hills [p.114]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.114

Kurdish Women at a Spring [p.116]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.116

A Nestorian House in the District of Tiyari [p.131]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.131

A Wicker Bridge across the Zab near Lizan [p.143]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.143

Assyrian Deity. On a Rock Tablet at Malthaiyah [p.169]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.169

Valley and Tomb of Sheikh Adi [p.185]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.185

Emblem of Deity (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.230]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.230

Emblem of Deity (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.231]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.231

A Table / Tables or Stands for Jars (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.232]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.232

Eunuch Warrior in Battle (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.233]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.233


Illustrations from pages 234 - 249 {Click to open}

Mounted Archer drawing the Bow, whilst a Second Horseman guide his Horse (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.234]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.234

A Boat carrying a Chariot, and Men swimming on inflated Skins (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.239]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.239

Flying Warrior turning back to discharge an Arrow (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.240]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.240

Glass and Allabaster Vases bearing the name of Sargon (from Nimroud) [p.242]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.242

The Obelisk in Black Marble, discovered at Nimroud [p.244]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.244

Elephant and Monkeys (Obelisk, Nimroud) [p.245]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.245

Bactrian or Two-humped Camels / The Bull, the Rhinoceros, and an Antelope (Obelisk, Nimroud) [p.246]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.246

Baboon and Ape (Obelisk, Nimroud) [p.247]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.247

Captive, supposed to be a Jewish Chief, before Assyrian King / Captives, supposed to be Jews, bearing Tribute

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.248

Figures on Lions (S.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.249]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.249


Illustrations from pages 250 - 284 {Click to open}

Figures on Lions (S.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.250]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.250

Sphinx from S.W. Palace (Nimroud)

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.251

Nestorian and Arab Workman, with Jar discovered at Nimroud [p.253]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.253

Figures an Cartouche with Hieroglyphics (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p269]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.269

Pottery found in the Tombs above the ruins at Nimroud [p.275]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.275

Helmets (Centre Palace, Nimroud) [p.276]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.276

Assyrian Horsemen pursuing a Man, probably an Arab on a Camel (Centre Palace, Nimroud) [p.277]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.277

Warriors before a besieged City. A Battering-ram up to the Walls, and Captives impaled (Centre Palace, Nimroud) [p.279]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.277

Walled City standing on a river, or on the Sea (Centre Palace, Nimroud) [p.282]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.282

Enemy asking Quarter of Assyrian Horsemen (S.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.284]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.284

Illustrations from pages 285 - 350 {Click to open}

Part of Bas-relief, showing a Pulley, and a Warrior cutting a Bucket from a Rope [p.285]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.285

Idols carried in procession by Assyrian Warriors (S.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.286]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.286

Sitting Figure in Basalt from Kalah Sherghat [p.295]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.295

Assyrian Warriors hunting a Lion (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.311]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.311

Procession of the Bull beneath the Mound at Nimroud [p.319]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.319

Emblem of Deity (N.W. Palace, Nimroud) [p.332]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.332

A House / The Interior of a Tent (Kouyyunjik) [p.339]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.339

Head of Winged Bull (Khosabad and Kouyunjik) / Head of Winged Monster (Persepolis) [p.345]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.345

Warrior with Shield (Kouyunjik) [p.348]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.348

Manacles for the Feet / Manacles for hands (Khorsabad and Kouyunjik) [p.350]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.350

Illustrations from pages 351- 362 {Click to open}

A Galley (Kouyunjik) [p.351]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.351

Coin probably of a City on the Syrian Coast during the Persian occupation / A Galley (Kouyunjik) [p.352]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.352

A Galley (Khorabad) [p.353]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.353

A Castle of a Martime People probably the Tyrians (Kouyunjik) [p.355]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.355

An Archer / A Spearman / A Slinger (Kouyunjik) [p.356]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.356

Scribes writing down the Number of the Slain (Kouyunjik) [p.357]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.357

Sennacherib in his chariot returning fom Battle (Kouyunjik) [p.358]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.358

A City taken by Assault and the Inhabitants led away captive (Kouyunjik) [p.360]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.360

Warriors forming a Phalanx before the Walls of a besieged City (Kouyunjik) [p.361]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.361

A Horseman pursued by Assyrian Warriors (Kouyunjik) [p.362]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.362

Illustrations from pages 363 - 364 {Click to open}

Enemies of the Assyrians discharging their Arrows behind them / Head-dress of a Riding Horse (Kouyunjik) [p.363]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.363

Groom leading Horses (Khorsabad) [p.364]

Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, p.364

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