The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient East, 2 Vols. Theological Translation Library, Vols. 28-29.
Alfred Jeremias [1864-1935]

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Book Description

The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient East, 2 Vols. Theological Translation Library, Vols. 28-29.
Publication Year:
Williams & Norgate
Ancient Near East, Archaeology, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Alfred Jeremias [1864-1935], The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient East, 2 Vols

Table of Contents, Volumes 1 & 2

  • Preface to the English Edition
  • Preface to the Second German Edition
  • Preface to the First German Edition
  • Editor's Introduction
  1. The Ancient-Eastern Doctrine and the Ancient-Eastern Cosmos
  2. Babylonian Religion
  3. Non-Biblical Cosmogonies
  4. The Biblical Record of Creation
  5. Paradise
  6. The Fall
  7. The Patriarchs
  8. Biblical Generations
  9. Extra-Biblical Traditions of the Deluge
  10. The Biblical Record of the Deluge
  11. The Nations
  12. The Tower of Babel
  13. Pre-Israelite Canaan
  14. Abraham as Babylonian
  15. Abraham as Canaanite
  16. Further Glosses Upon the Histories of the Patriarchs
  17. The Stories of Joseph
  18. The Exodus
  19. Israelite and Babylonian Legislation
  20. "The Tabernacle of Covenant" and "Ark of the Covenant"
  21. Further Glosses Upon the Pentateuch
  22. Glosses Upon the Book of Joshua
  23. The Book of Judges
  24. Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon
  25. The Political History of the States of Israel and Judah in the Light of the Monuments
  26. Further Glosses Upon the Books of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah
  27. Glosses to the So-Called Didactic Books
  28. Glosses on the Prophets
  • Appendix
  • Index
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