Syria and Egypt. From the Tell El Amarna Letters
W.M. Flinders Petrie [1853-1942]

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Book Description

Syria and Egypt. From the Tell El Amarna Letters
Publication Year:
Methuen & Co.
Syria, Egypt, Amarna Letters, Archaeology, Ancient Near East
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
W.M. Flinders Petrie [1853-1942], Syria and Egypt. From the Tell El Amarna Letters

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • 1. Discovery of the Letters at Tell el Amarna
    • 2. Transliteration and summaries
    • 3. Historical order of the Letters
    • 4, Allegiance of the Syrians to Egypt
    • 5. Chronology of the Letters
    • 6. Identification of the places named.
    • 7. Published sources
    • 8. Conquests of the Egyptians in Syria
    • 9. Position of the principal personages named
  2. Letters of the Peace
    • 10. Kings of the Khatti
    • 11. Dushratta of Mitani
    • 12. Kallimasin of Babylonia
    • 13. Burnaburyash of Babylonia
    • 14. King of Alashia
    • 15. Kings of Assyria and N ukhashi
    • 16. Petty Governors in peace
  3. The North Syrian War
    • 17. Troubles in Amki with the Khatti
    • 18. Trouble about Damascus
    • 19. Namyawaza in trouble
    • 20. Galilee rebelling
    • 21. Aziru in peace
    • 22. Abdashirta stating his fidelity
    • 23. Ribaddi attacked
    • 24. Ribaddi in Simyra
    • 25. Ribaddi in Gubla
    • 26. Simyra lost
    • 27. Abimilki of Tyre in trouble
    • 28. Ribaddi in Beyrut
    • 29. Ribaddi in Gubla
    • 30. Ribaddi in Beyrut
    • 31. Beyrut lost, Ribaddi in Gubla
  4. The South Syrian War
    • 32. Abdkhiba in trouble
    • 33. Milkili and allies doubtful
    • 34. Abdkhiba attacked
    • 35. Fighting round Gezer
    • 36. Fighting round Megiddo
    • 37. Shuwardata in trouble
    • 38. Abdkhiba failing
    • 39. Loss of South Palestine
    • 40. Movements of the Hittites and Amorites
    • 41. Varieties of Government in Syria
    • 42. Biographical notices of the principal persons
    • 43. Index of persons
    • 44. Index of places
    • 45. Identification of places
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