The Empire of the Hittites, with Dicipherment of Hittite Inscriptions, A Hittite Map, and a Complete Set of Hittite Inscriptions
William Wright [1837-1899]

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Book Description

The Empire of the Hittites, with Dicipherment of Hittite Inscriptions, A Hittite Map, and a Complete Set of Hittite Inscription
Publication Year:
James Nisbet & Co.
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William Wright [1837-1899], The Empire of the Hittites, with Dicipherment of Hittite Inscriptions, A Hittite Map, and a Complete Set of Hittite Inscriptions

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Securing the Hittite Inscriptions
  2. The Hittite Empire From the Egyptian Standpoint
  3. The Hittite Empire from the Assyrian Standpoint
  4. Geographical Extent of the Hittie Empire
  5. Hittite Art and Learning
  6. Hittite Religion
  7. Hittite Nationality
  8. The Hittites from the Bible Standpoint
  9. Are the Inscriptions Hittite Remains?
  10. The Hittite Inscriptions
  11. Dicipherment of the Hittite Inscriptions by Professor A.H. Sayce
  • Index

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